Chapter 49

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Bradley fucking McMullins!

What the actual fuck were you doing here, my friend? This wasn't part of the plan. I hadn't taken you into consideration. You're not on Facebook, I know that because I am you on Facebook so how on earth did you find out where we were? Or that the funeral was today?


"Tommy! How are you? Looking well, mate!" He shakes my hand with some force before pulling me in for a hug. I smiled towards him as I pulled back from him.

"Not looking too bad yourself, Brad. Wasn't expecting to see you here today. Didn't realise you were still in touch with anyone? Haven't heard from you in years."

"Yeah, I spoke with Ricky and he told me the bad news and that the funeral was today. Do you know where he is?" His eyes searching the pub and it took great pleasure in announcing to him that he had been arrested.

"Arrested? When? For what?"

I pull him in close. "Apparently they think know..."

"Fuck off! For Nicola? No chance! What evidence do they have?"

Well, how much time have you got? I have a lot to tell you but that would spoil the fun wouldn't it?

"No idea, guessing they must have something though."

I needed to keep this conversation going, I couldn't afford to allow you to edge your way in, Katie. But thankfully, your body had started to feel the affects of the wine.

"Tommy, can we go? My head is pounding. I don't feel too good."

I shrug and look at Bradley. "Sorry man, nice to see you but I said I'd take Katie back home. She's had one too many, I think." Whispering as I lean in so you don't overhear.

"Well it was nice seeing you both again, I'll make sure to get your details and we'll meet up for a drink or something, yeah?"

"Sounds great! Danny's over there, talk to him and get him to arrange something. See you soon mate." I shake his hand and put my arm around you to help you out.

"I'll drop you a message on Facebook tomorrow, Brad!"

For fuck sake, Katie! All you had to do was stay quiet for one more minute.

He turned around. "Facebook?"

It was my time to turn around. "Ignore her, she doesn't know where she is." I laugh and thankfully he nods and laughs it off too before walking towards Danny as we make our way out.

Fuck! That was far too close.

"Come on you, let's get a taxi. I've had far too much to drink to try and drive now." I pull out my phone and order an Uber.

Two minutes away.


The ride back was pretty tame compared to the full blown conversations we were having in the pub, but I think that's pretty normal. That fresh air can sometimes be a knock out blow when you've been drinking for hours, I just hoped you wasn't too out of it by the time we got to mine or I'd have to order you an uber home.

I needed you but I wasn't going to take advantage.

I'm not a monster.

Your head soon became to heavy for your shoulders and the moment you laid your head on mine, it set fireworks off instantly. We were touching, our bodies physically touching for the first time in years. It had such an affect on me that I had to breathe to calm down the movement in my boxers.

Pathetic really.

I tried to ignore what was happening by acting cool and reserved, my gaze directed to the passing world outside as we drove on. Not wanting to shoot my shot too early, I had the rest of the night to do that, for now I had to concentrate on making sure you made it inside the house and then hoped the car ride had sobered you up just a little to continue drinking once we got there. Ellie had good taste in wine and I'm sure she wouldn't miss one bottle?

After all, it was for a good cause. She would understand, eventually.

As the taxi pulled up outside my house, I nudged you slightly and apologised as I realise I had woken you up. "Sorry, we're here." I whisper and I watch you stretch your body out before making your way out.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to use you as a pillow. That wine must have beaten me."

"Don't be silly, it's fine. I've been told before I am very comfortable to lay on." I guide you up the path to the front door, very aware of my neighbours, even more so than with Caroline's neighbours. These fuckers around here would have no problem in telling Ellie that I had come home with someone else so at this point there was no need for touching.

"Oh my god! It smells so good in here!" The freshness of the house was quite over powering as we walked in but it's better than having a horrible stench in your house. I couldn't take the credit for the smell though, Ellie was a clean freak, bordering on levels of OCD, candles in every room, air purifiers. Anything you could think of, we probably had one lying around the house.

Your eyes lit up as you walked around. "Tommy, your house is beautiful. How do you keep it so pristine with two kids? Asking for a friend obviously."

I hold my hands up in surrender. "This is all on Ellie, I will take no compliments for how clean the house is. I could tidy this place to an inch of its life and she will still find a speck of dust somewhere and have to start over again, so I stay out of the way when it comes to cleaning, but I'll pass on your compliments."

You shot me a look. "You really think your wife will appreciate knowing I've been here?"

Okay, you had a point.

I linked your arm into mine and led you to the lounge, you timidly sat down on the crushed velvet sofa and perched on the edge, looking nervous.

"Make yourself at home, it's just us tonight. Ellie and the kids are mikes away so please make yourself comfortable."

I was probably showing my intentions too much but you made the comment about not telling Ellie you were here so that must mean your intentions are very similar to mine. Or at least I was hoping that was the case.

"Drink? I have a bottle of wine with our name on it, if you're interested."

She shook her head and smiled. "You always were a bad influence on me, Tommy Gardner but I'll accept another glass or two. It's nice actually being able to let my hair down for once. Although I wish the circumstances were different. It's still nice.

"Oh, I'm sure Nicola will knock on the door soon to ruin the moment for one final time." I laugh hesitantly, not knowing whether that joke was too soon or not but thankfully you laughed and smiled thinking about her.

"Yeah, she had her way of getting in the middle of us, didn't she?"

You did really notice that too, didn't you?

I smile as I walk into the kitchen, I can hear you standing up. My best guess was you were snooping around the lounge, looking at photographs and taking in the decor around you. Judging Ellie and I for anything that you come across that wasn't to your taste.

Hopefully this glass of wine will be to your taste.

I walk in and smile as I catch you holding a photograph of my children. Caught you in a classic movie style pose.

"They really look like you, they have your eyes. They're beautiful girls, Tommy. You done a good job there." You smile as you take the glass from me, thanking me as you return the photo frame.

You took a sip, your eyes locked on mine as you smiled, moving the glass away from your lips.

"You know, Tommy. You don't have to ply me full of wine to get into bed with you. I think we've both waited long enough."

Within seconds your lips were on mine.


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