Chapter 51

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My heart was beginning to pound harder than I think it has ever beaten before. I still had time but like a ticking bomb every second meant I was closer to this all blowing up in my face. No time to waste, there was no room for sloppiness or sentiment, as I pulled the jug of coffee from the maker and poured our two cups.

Walking back from the kitchen, I was shocked I managed to make it back into the bedroom with the two cups still intact and full of coffee, given the fact my hands were shaking like a shitting dog.

I walked back into an empty bedroom and panic swept over me.

Where were you? Please don't let me find you've walked out on me and this was all part of some sick plan to lure me into a police trap, Katie.

That fear soon eased as I saw your dress still crumpled up on the floor and eased more as I heard your bare footsteps walking back down the hallway towards the bedroom. I smiled as you re-entered, dressed only in your lace black underwear, still topless and fuck did you look good walking around my house that confident dressed half naked.

"Sorry, I needed to use the bathroom to freshen myself up. Hope you don't think I'm imposing?"

I shook my head and patted down on your side of the bed. Well, Ellie's side but for tonight this was our bed, so it was your side.

"Not at all. My house is your house, babe. Your coffee is on the side table." My eyes gesturing towards the steaming cup.

"Thank you. I don't usually drink coffee this late but I think I need to sober up some more before I head home." You said as you sat on the edge of the bed, picking your coffee up and swinging your legs over on to the bed, shuffling back upright against the headboard as you hunched your knees up.

"You're more than welcome to stay, you know. Nobody is coming home tonight."

You sipped the contents of your cup and shook your head. "That's very kind of you, Tommy but William will be home after his shift at 7 in the morning. I can't have him coming home to an empty house. He really would lose his shit and at the minute, the last thing I need is more drama in my life, especially at home."

I understood but part of me did feel hurt, it was the same old story all these years later, I'd have you to myself for a short amount of time before another man came along and swept you away from me.

Only this time it was different, this time I was going to make sure you stayed with me. Keep drinking your coffee, Katie and I'd make sure I would get my own way this time.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, the awkwardness of the moment we shared was now hitting home, the guilt taking over our beings as we smiled at one another every so often.

"You not drinking your coffee?" You asked as you took another sip.

"Oh shit, yeah. I completely forgot I made myself one." I lied as I reached over and took my cup, bringing it slowly to my mouth before sipping.

No turning back now. I just hoped I had timed this as well as I had planned.

A few more minutes passed and you drained the contents of your cup like a pro. For someone who didn't like coffee this time of day, you certainly polished it off quickly enough. I thought you were in a rush to leave but to my surprise, you places your coffee on the side and laid yourself back down, turning your body towards me as your head lay on the pillow and your fingers finding their way back onto my chest, gliding your fingertips through my chest hair.

I gulp down the remainder of my coffee and discard it back to the bedside table, moving myself down so you can lay your head on my chest. "This is nice, isn't it?" I whisper contently as I move my hand behind your head, playing with your hair as we lay together.

"Can I be honest with you?" Your head popped up slightly.

Oh no, what are you about to say? Was this some elaborate plan?

Did you honey trap me?

"I've thought about this very moment since we were in school. Laying beside you in bed. I don't know why we never worked, why we were both too stubborn to allow a relationship between us to blossom. We could have been married now, our own kids running around the house. Wouldn't that have been nice?"

Hold on a minute, you've had the same thoughts as me over the years?

I sat up slightly, excited at your admission. "Katie, you're the only one I've ever wanted. From that first day we laid eyes on each other, nobody else has had such an impact on my life. I've pined for you for years. I thought I was crazy. I've let you live your life and continue on without me. I had no idea you felt the same way. Nobody will ever have the same hold over me that you have."


"You act surprised and here's me thinking that I was pretty clear with my intentions over the years. Danny knows how much you meant to me, Caroline knew and hated it more than she would ever want to admit. Fucking hell, even my wife knows I was in love with you. Surely you of all people knew that I wanted you and how badly I needed you?"

You moved up from my chest, your elbow hitching your body up on to your side. Your beautiful pert breasts just sitting there for me to enjoy.

"Then why don't we?"

"Why don't we what?" I ask confused, my eyes still occasionally sticking to your nipples which I do not apologise for.

"Why don't we start again? Make a go of it?


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