Authors Note

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Well that was some ride wasn't it?

I think it's only fair for Nickelback to see us out. If you've never heard the song before, please give it a listen via the attachment as I think it sums up Tommy and Katie's relationship better than any other song I could think of.

Thank you all so much for making it to the end of She Wasn't You. Although this book took me nearly a year to write and almost two years to publish completely, it was such an enjoyable write for me, I loved every single second of time I put into this book and I really hope you all enjoyed it even half as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Yes, this was hugely different from my usual genre of book but it was worth the risk and worth the time it took me to complete it. I'm genuinely gutted when I finished writing it. This story has by far been my favourite to write and after my previous books, I really hope if you have followed my other works that you have seen the changes and improvements in my the level of writing.

I'll be the first to admit that my previous endings haven't been the best and I think 99% of writers would agree that finishing a book that pleases everyone is almost impossible so I hope this story ended in a way that satisfies the majority of you as I know some won't have enjoyed it and I'm sorry if that was the case but I'd still like to thank you for making it to the end!

Feel free to throw a comment or two to let me know whether or not you enjoyed the book!

Hopefully I'll see you all soon on my next book!

Love you all!
Ryan ❤️

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