Chapter 32

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As expected our relationship after school was non-existent. We had moved on, already on different paths. I never heard from you and I couldn't bring myself to contact you either. You had clearly moved on and there was no room in your life for me any longer.

How was school going without me?

We're you nervous with it being your final year?

We're you ready for your exams at the end of the year?

Would you stick around to allow people to sign your shirt?

Would you be standing waiting for Ricky or Bradley to sign your shirt, how would it feel if they didn't show up to sign yours?

Part of me hoped and prayed that you would be stood heartbroken just like I was when I waited for you. I hated how you made me feel that day, I had never felt so unwanted and alone in all of my life. There was no need for that in my eyes. Even if the goodbye was going to be tough and you didn't want to, at least reach out to me a little later to explain yourself, to give me a little closure?

Did I not deserve that much at least?


It was an unusually cold Sunday evening in the October. Almost 18 months since I left school and in that time, I had dropped out of college, found myself a good job and had spent the summer partying away in Europe, even finding myself a girl to keep me entertained during my two week holiday. She was insatiable, I couldn't get enough of her but once our holidays was over, we lived too far apart to even attempt to consider a relationship. It just wouldn't have worked.

Life goes on.

You see you taught me a valuable life lesson in some way that day, Katie. You taught me not to become attached and just let people go without a care. You created that monster inside of me.

As Danny and I sat in our now local pub, where we were served drinks underage, we played a few games of pool like we always did and a few rounds of darts as we downed our drinks without a care in the world. We were young, we had nowhere to be, we had no strings pulling us back. We were free and living how we wanted.

My freedoms wouldn't last long though as those doors opened. My life was about to change. Danny poked me with the pool cue and pointed towards the girl who had just walked in.

"Look you're friend is here."

It was Caroline.

And Danny knew full well that she wasn't anywhere near being a friend. The sarcastic bastard!

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the pool table. I could feel her cold aura as she walked past me, sending actual shivers down my spine. She was the definition of an ice queen. Horrible, nasty piece of work. We despised each other and neither of us were that good at hiding it.

She walked over to her friend who was sat alone. Jade. Those two were inseparable in school, both of them had nasty tongues and didn't care who they hurt with their vile mouths. Bullies, both of them.

Although, I couldn't deny that Jade had something sexy about her. Not that I would ever have gone there but she just had something that intrigued the brain in my pants.

As the night wore on, the drinks began to cloud my judgment and lower my inhibitions and not before long we found ourselves sitting with the ice queens. I still had no idea how I found myself here or how I found myself flirting with Caroline. This is why drink can be bad for you kids, always know your limits, it stops you from doing things you will later regret.

We were getting on really well, maybe I had unfairly judged her? She was a really nice girl and her eyes were a beautiful light green, I'd never noticed the beauty in them before. Maybe because I had never found myself this close to her face before. I don't know how this was happening but somehow it was.

She picked up a pool cue and challenged Danny and I to a doubles match. Boys against girls. There was only going to be one winner here. Danny and I were very good pool players, we would often beat the majority of people in the pub, the locals were afraid to play us at the fear of being beaten in front of their friends by two kids who weren't even old enough to be in the pub, let alone knock them from the table.

Then came the bet.

"If we win, you have to take us out on dates."

Jade laid down the bet. She looked pretty confident in her own ability so we waited for her counter bet.

"And when we win?" Danny replied.

A smirk grew on Jade's face as she conferred with Caroline quietly before both nodding in agreement and giggled.

"And IF you win - You can both come back to Caroline's and we'll treat you both to blowjobs. I'll take you Danny and Tommy, Caroline's mouth is all yours."

Danny and I both looked at each other and nodded. "You ladies, have yourself a deal."


Around twenty minutes after making the deal, we found ourselves in Caroline's bedroom, both sat on either side of the bed with our jeans around our ankles and the two girls on their knees in front of us.

And that's how it began.

That deal sealed my fate for the next three horrid life changing years.

What's that famous saying, Katie?

Never strike a deal with the Devil?


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