Chapter 46

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Oh I have missed the thrill of this! Watching her slip away from consciousness but this didn't feel right, I needed to hammer the final nail into her coffin.

Stay with me Caroline, we're almost home.

I pushed my foot down on the accelerator, I couldn't miss this opportunity. As enjoyable as watching the life drain from Nicola, this was going to be so much more rewarding. If Nicola had it coming to her then this bitch had it coming even more so. Nobody had hurt more, made me feel so insecure about myself or fuck with my mental well-being quite like Caroline had over the years.

Thinking about it, maybe she was the reason I had turned into this monster. It had been laying dormant in me my whole life. Apparently everyone is capable of murder but maybe she was the reason I cracked, she had laid the foundations and I was a ticking time bomb. So in a way, a bit like Nicola, she had began digging her own grave a long time ago.

I wish you were here to witness this, Katie. I would loved to have shared this moment with you but you were a nurse, you were a flight risk. You had such a kind heart and you would have done all you could to keep her alive and I couldn't let that happen. Everyone has an expiration date and it just so happens that today was her time.

You can't get in the way of fate.

As we parked up outside of her house, I quickly surveyed the area, it looked clear but I couldn't be sure how many curtain twitching neighbours she had, so I had to make it look like she was full of life. But judging by how out of it she was, would prove a lot more difficult than I had hoped but I couldn't leave her in the car. I had to take the risk.

Pulling her from the car, it was a struggle but eventually I wrapped one of her arms around my shoulder and she had enough strength left in them to make it to the house without making it look too obvious she was out of it.

My job is very stressful at times, Katie and sometimes you need to take the edge off of the pressure from time to time, so I had a fair stash of drugs which helped take the edge off. Add sleeping pills, caffeine and alcohol to that mixture and you have yourself a winning formula. Just in case you ever wanted to follow in these bloody footsteps of mine one day, I'll save you the recipe.

Looking at the results, I'd say this was a very successful first try, wouldn't you say?

We eventually made it up to her bedroom, the smell of perfume still filling the room from when she was getting ready this morning. I wouldn't be surprised to learn she had emptied the entire bottle over her head this morning, it was an overwhelming sensation which had lodged itself inside the back of my throat.

As I lay her down on the bed, she moaned and attempted to open her eyes but it was proving a tough ask of herself, instead her eyelashes were fluttering before closing. It was like she had weights on her eyelids, if the situation was different, it would be funny to watch.

Who the fuck am I kidding? This was hilarious. Her end was inching closer every second.

I sat on the edge of her bed and watched her laying flat on her pillow, her breathing was slowing down rapidly. I smiled watching as her life was ebbing away bit by bit, bits something didn't feel right about this. It didn't feel final enough. I needed to intervene.

I climbed over her limp body, smiling down at her. "Remember when we used to get into this position and you'd moan my name as I fucked you, Caroline? Begging me to slow down, but you liked it rough, didn't you? You liked it when I'd wrap my hand around your throat until you couldn't take anymore. I tell you what, this time I'll use two."

I took a deep breath in as I place my hands around her neck, my thumbs positioned against her windpipe. "Sleep well, Caroline" That's when I began to add a little more pressure and I watched as her eyes bulged from her face, she wanted to fight, she could sense she was in huge danger but her body denied her any attempt at fighting back which took away the buzz slightly. I just hoped she knew it was me that was causing her so much distress.

The wheezing soon followed as her windpipe was on the edge of being crushed. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for. Pushing my thumbs harder and BANG! Her head fell limp. Keeping my hands around her neck just to make sure. Smiling down as her breathing stopped completely.

She was finally gone, out of my life forever.

Before leaving, I made sure to cover her up under the blankets, she looked so peaceful, sleeping like an angel. Placing a glass of water beside her, so it would initially look like she had overdosed and fallen away peacefully.

They'd find the marks around her neck but I didn't want to give that away straight away when she was found.

I could and maybe should have let her slip away under the cocktail of drugs and made it look like a suicide but I knew my time was almost up and by making her my third victim meant I had now earned the badge.

I was now officially a serial killer.

One final check to make sure she was definitely gone before leaving. Smiling as I turned back to turn the lights off. "Sweet dreams."

Now another hurdle had been cleared, it was time, Katie. Time for you and I to rekindle our relationship.


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