Chapter 39: Hummingbirds

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"I never want to meet that woman again..." Hikari lowered his shoulders, relishing the joy of being freed of worry.

After having escaped from island beasts with the little assistance Lucy offered, Hikari felt drained. He had to stop and rest for a while to regain some of his lost stamina and was forced to endure another conversation with that woman.

"Have you learnt anything from this experience, human?"

"The only thing I learned is that you're nothing but trouble!"

"Hahaha~ You think too highly of me, human. But let me assure you, this is my first time getting into such tomfoolery on my off days. You. Yes, you. Don't try and deny it, human. You seem to have a natural talent for attracting danger onto yourself and getting away with it scot-free. It's almost a miracle how lucky you are, actually."

"That's not true. I'm not lucky at all."

"On the contrary! You have the luck of a real pirate if I say myself! It's one of the things that had me so impressed with you. And you being in denial of your own talents makes it all the more fun. It makes you appear adorable in that aspect."

"... You're making fun of me again, aren't you?"

"I'm not. I promise. You really are adorable~"

"S-shut up!"

"You are so fun to tease!"

Hikari shook his head as the conversation replayed in the back of his mind. Now that he had dropped her off at the hospital, he could slowly stroll back to the ship, enjoying the moment of peace that he had.

The last time I walked around like this was on Devil's Peak...

As he walked, he took note of all his surroundings. Not acting as a pirate, human, hero or anything else, he took it all with absolute conscientiousness.

A clock was heard in the far-off distance.

The pathway he walked on was coloured gray and had an intricate design of geometric patterns. The buildings that were built on both sides of the street were each designed with a specific purpose in mind. Some had the architectural touch used by infusing materials made by different types of golem whilst others were built by the people who resided in it.

The people passed through the streets - lizardmen, birdkin, faeries, dwarves, wolfmen, demons, elves, lycras and so many more - absent from each other's lives but connected because of it. all stuck to their own business, getting by on day-in-day-out routines.

There were not many opportunities that arrived to stroll around. In fact, all of his previous experiences weren't like this one. This was the first time he was surrounded by so many people. He couldn't explain it, but, he felt calm. A warm feeling welled up in his chest.


- He saw it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a figure - someone familiar with colourful wings - that walked into an apartment building. Thinking it odd, he followed the figure in order to find out what was happening.

Hikari felt himself become a little on edge as he approached, slightly on guard, pacing his steps. He could tell that something was out of place with the entire situation.

He opened the door, carefully, entered, then closed. As he did, he caught sight of a shadow that receded up the stairs.

"..." It became difficult to call out as he climbed up the stairs.

What am I doing? He wondered. It did not take long until he reached the roof of the threestorey building.

"Whoa-" As he opened the door to the roof, a fist came into his line of sight, aiming to mow right through him. He reflexively ducked for cover, dodging the attack.

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