Chapter 31: There is a Little Kraken Who is Insecure

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Chapter 31: There is a Little Kraken Who is Insecure

"This is troublesome." Elaine muttered as she looked at the bloodied state that Hikari was brought onto the ship by Sulvanath.

He was situated on the one bed while on the other sat Samurai Sensei who was playing with a deck of cards in solitude. It's not that he had been injured in the fight, he had close to nothing in terms of magical energy.

There are two types of energy that everyone in the world has:

The first is life energy and the second is magical energy.

Life energy is the bases for all living things. It is the reason that they are alive. It is the reason that they exist.

If this energy were to be completely drained then that would mean the person dies, as simple as that.

It is refered to as HP - Health Points.

Magical energy is a bit more flexible than that.

Magical energy is used in everything that takes place. How people move, how they breathe, how they eat, how they think etc…

The more literal version being the ability to cast spells and other sorts of techniques.

We refer to the ability to use it as "The Control of Mana".

Humans were able to control mana at a stage in history but that control was removed. Only the royal family is able to use mana and has a [Nobility]. Exceptions being those heroes that are summoned. The magic granted is called a "blessing".

Magical energy is hence referred to as Mana.

These two energies synergize within the body. The two must always be present or heavy altercations could take place.

In the case of Samurai Sensei, if he were to lose all of his Mana then his HP would try to balance out with that meaning half of his HP would start converting itself to Mana in an effort to keep him alive.

Since [Predator's Smite] makes it difficult to use potions Elaine was gently supplying him with mana infused in his medication and water.

Now all he could do was bide his time.

When he saw Sulvanath and Hikari enter he was shocked but quickly filled in on what happened. He continued his game of cards but kept glancing over at Hikari to see if he was still doing fine.

"Is the leg going to be a permanent thing?" Sully asked.

"I'm surprise you actually went out to save the boy."

"Mm, yeah. That's why I did it." Sulvanath waved off Elaine's statement and then glanced back at Hikari. "His pet, the pyrolion, bit me on the leg while I was in the kitchen. I was on my way to throw him out when I saw Alavara come back from Eva's room. That's basically what happened."

"I-I see…" Elaine said as she finished her medical exam and took down some notes.

Hikari must not be feeling the pain because he was sound asleep and no longer bleeding. Elaine had worked swiftly and had taken care of all the injuries that needed immediate attention.

Pyro had carefully crawled it's way up to Hikari and made itself comfortable on his chest. Not even a few seconds had passed and then Pyro had fallen asleep and its purring reverberated through its entire body. Hikari did not even have a tense expression anymore.

"He is going to live, that's what's most important…" Elaine muttered as she fixed her gaze on the stump where Hikari's leg had been. "… He won't get his leg back unfortunately…"

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