Chapter 18: Little Elaine

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Elaine Marsanth was the name of this particular doctor. She was part of the Black Pirate Fleet and was one of their most valued members. She did her job better than anyone and loved it more than anyone.

It was strange for her to be so exceptional at healing because of the fact that she was a Lycra. A cat race that specializes in agility. She was shorter than the average person and had long orange hair that looked like it had a golden tint to it. Her oval framed glasses helping her see things clearer and the large headphones covering her ears. The music helped her focus on her studies and blocked out the partying of her fellow crew mates. It's not that she didn't like them, it's just that she had a hard time talking to people or looking into their eyes. In fact, the only ones she actually talks to is Kaizoku and Alavara.

"Just the right amount..."

She mumbled to herself as she kept measuring the weights of different herbs that she was going to use in healing potions. She was happily humming the piano tune playing from the headphones as she continued with her work.


"Elaine! Check on Cabin Boy!"

"Nyaaaah!" The sound escaped her mouth as the door suddenly blew open. She covered her face in embarrassment as it grew bright red. She turned to see that it was her Captain who did it.

"C-Captain." She said as she took off her headphones. When she saw the boy half conscious on the Captain's back she understood. "H-Here!"

She pointed at one of the two vacant beds for patients in the room. Kaizoku immediately put him down then she went to check on him.

Heavy breathing. Heightened body temperature. She opened his eyes and found that the rim of it had changed to a purple colour and the veins in his eyes could be seen. She checked his mouth but there seemed to be nothing wrong there.

She then took a scalpel and made a small cut on his finger to extract a drop of blood. She took the blood and took a taste. She had a skill called [Blood Analysis]. It allows her to analyse the contents of anyone's blood to see if anything was wrong internally with their immune system. She cannot use it on more than three people at a time.

"Th-This is -" She said as she found the answer.

"What's wrong?" Asked Kaizoku. He was standing against the door to give Elaine space while she was working.

"H-He's been p-poisoned!" She said.

Kaizoku looked at her for a while before asking. "Can't you make the antidote?"

"Y-Yes. I-I just need a-a f-few i-i-ingredients from th-the is-island..." She answered in a nervous voice.

The poison he had gotten was from a type of plant. It wasn't taken in as a gas meaning he had either eaten something of the like or  cut himself somewhere. The analysis also showed that he had received it yesterday morning. The poison was very deadly.

She knew about Devil's Peak's different plants and fruits and there was only one plant that came to mind. It was the Lotus Manilla. A very dangerous poison also known as the "Patient Killer". It would slowly kill a person over a month starting with flu-like symptoms to the point where every bone in the body was aching and then after all the excruciating pain they would die.

Luckily that same plant mixed with a few other herbs could serve as the antidote.

Kaizoku looked over at Hikari once and then he looked back at Elaine. He didn't have a worried expression on his face. Instead, he looked to be happy over something.

"The things you need are on the island, right?" He asked her.

She nodded to confirm. "I'll m-make a-a list." Before she could move to get a pen and paper she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Kaizoku standing behind her with a bright smile but she felt like something bad was about to happen to her.

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