Final Chapter: Eva Day(2)

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"What's wrong with you two?" Alavara asked, confused at the scene before her.

On deck, each holding a bottle of rum, were First Mate Samurai Sensei and Sniper Afshang Caspian. Both were seated in a chair, drinking, but in front of them were a number of swords scattered about. What made this even more stranger was the fact that Samurai Sensei was holding one of Afshang's guns.

"There's nothin' wrong," Ashang said. "I am supporting our First Mate as best I can."

He was eloquent, but from his red face it was clear that they hadn't just started drinking. And it was still early in the morning.

This only confused Alavara even more. "Support?" She asked. "Why? What happened?"

"How could you've forgotten?" Afshang sounded genuinely surprised. Then, he pointed at the swords on the ground. "We're trying to pick a replacement for [Draculla]."

In the battle with Damon it was discovered that the most effective weapon was Samurai Sensei's sword [Draculla], but the most effective person to use it was not Ryoichi. That responsibility fell on Calico's shoulders, but after using it in a final attack, the sword was destroyed.

That ultimately left Kiiro depressed, since that sword had become more than just a part of him. But, saying goodbye to it also brought its own form of closure.

He no longer had any connection to Five Flowers, which was a good thing. Kaizoku told him that now his swordsmanship will no longer cut from the past, but instead, cut towards the future. Now he just needed the right sword to connect with.

Isn't that why he became a swordsmith? Wasn't this always bound to happen?


With logic like that, he couldn't disagree. And so he requested the aid of the person who loves their weapons almost to a disturbing extent. Afshang Caspian.

"So that's what's going on," Alavara said, finally grasping the extent of situation.


"That doesn't explain why you got Ryoichi so drunk in the first place!" She cried.

"Relax, relax," Afshang laughed. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

The weapon of choice goes beyond just thinking with your head. It's intuition. There's a connection with it from the moment that it first came under your possession. No amount of words can describe it.

"Just like the relationship between a master and familiar, so too is the relationship of a man and his weapon of choice," Afshang said in the most passionate voice that he's ever used.

"Wow." Even Alavara had to admit that she was moved by what he said.

"That's why he's drunk," Afshang said. "He's choosing the weapon that will save him even when all of his senses aren't very reliable."

"Afshang Caspian."


"That is either the dumbest or the smartest thing that has ever come out of your mouth," Alavara wanted to laugh. "The funny this is that I can't decide which is it."

But, she had to admit that her curiosity was peaked. She grabbed herself a chair and sat next to Afshang as they both watched in anticipation for Samurai Sensei's decision.


He had been eerily quiet this whole time, but Ryoichi appeared to be in deep concentration. Unable to sit completely still, he reached out his and —

"Wrong direction!" Alavara cried.

— completely missed all of the swords.

"Relax, Alavara. He'll get it."

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