Chapter 53: Behind the Scenes

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On The Queen Anne's Revenge, Edward Teach sat in his study reading a book. The contents weren't all that interesting, but it helped push time until the moment he was waiting for arrived.

Knock! Knock!

Right on time, he mused.

"Captain, it's Salacia. Can I come in?" She asked with a monotonous voice.

"Come in, Poet. Come in," He said, threatening to spill his anticipations.

The door opened with a loud creak, welcoming the beautiful and serious Salacia Poet. Her skin was as red as blood and her lips were pressed together like she was about to kiss someone; she approached her Captain with a few documents in hand.

"Captain," she said, eyes half-closed, "these came for you. From that woman."

Salacia handed the documents over Edward Teach, who took it and ripped it open in fluid motion.

"Have something against Silica, love?" He asked as he read over the documents. The grin never left his face as his eyes absorbed the contents, formulating multiple possibilities in his head with the new information.

"It's not like that," she responded, barely showing any expression on her face. "When prison stayed the same, watching the whole world move was kind of entertaining."

Salacia wasn't just speaking as if it was a distant experience to be out of prison. Her captain helped her and her other crew members escape prison just yesterday. She hadn't even had time to rest yet, because her Captain was so busy.

"I've read about her rise to power-in prison, obviously. Not a huge fan," she said, then used one of her hands to rub her eyes; they stung a little.

Blackbeard glanced up at her. "You can keep your eyes closed until Arkis makes you a new pair of glasses. Don't strain yourself."

"... Right. Thanks, Captain."

"And you don't need to worry 'bout ol' Mrs Doldarix. Because of our deal, she thinks she has me in the palm of her hand, but she doesn't understand how being a pirate works, it seems."

Salacia exhaled through her nose. "Funny."

Afterwards the two fell into a relaxing silence. Salacia remained on standby for when her captain needed her - albeit her eyes were closed from over-exerting them the day before - and Blackbeard hummed a gentle melody, going over the documents.

The nostalgic feeling made Salacia feel lighter, like she was in good in mood.

Her face didn't show it, though, remaining placid.

"... Yep," Blackbeard suddenly said, then placed all the documents on the table and jumped up, as if struck by a 'Eureka!' moment.

"Salacia, love. Get the others on deck, I know where we're sailing to make our entrance!"

"Aye, Capatain," she said, using her other senses to make her exit. "Where are we going?"

Blackbeard couldn't hide his vicious grin.

"Devil's Peak."


Soon after, on the Graellum Continent, the demon Lord Lucifer Doldarix 'mysteriously' fell ill, similar to the illness Hikari had, stirring memories that would have been better left forgotten.

But when he woke up, his head was much clearer and his resolve was much stronger.

When he told Silica that Blackbeard should eliminate both [Sea Emperors], it only served as a confirmation for a plan that was already in motion. In fact, Silica was taking more and more practical action behind the scenes that her husband wasn't even aware of.

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