Prologue: A Daemonic Gathering

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The news had spread all over Graellum. The Demon Lord, Draegor, had died after ruling the continent for two millennia. The Demon Generals are currently at the palace having an urgent meeting.

They sat around the table enjoying the feast in front of them. They are known as the Seven Generals, rulers of the seven regions of Graellum. They are also the Seven children of Draegor, the seven sins. They needed to have this meeting for the most important decision of the continent.

"When's the last time we had a meeting like this?" Asked Asmodeus, Sin of Lust. He looked to be enjoying the meal and just blurted it out to start a conversation.

"The last time was when Belphagor was born 200 years ago," answered Leviathan, Sin of Envy. The only sister of the seven children.

"I'm sooo sleeepy..." Belphagor, Sin of Sloth, mumbled. He looked as if he was about to fall asleep while eating.

"Can we all just get to it? I still have meetings with the chiefs of my region. Apparently the pirates are becoming a problem again. You know how much money I could lose?" Mammon, Sin of Greed, complained. He was the most impatient and the most talkative of them.

"I was thinking the same thing," Satan, Sin of Wrath, spoke. He the most aggressive of the siblings, and his region always seemed war ready. Strange enough, his region never broke out into a war, the other siblings knew they would lose to this tactician.

"This food is amaaaaazing~" Beelzebub, Sin of Gluttony, mumbled with a mouth full of food. He didn't seem to be at all interested in what was happening around him. Satan just rolled his eyes when he heard what Beelzebub commented on.

"What do you think, Lucy?" Leviathan asked and immediately received a glare from the Sin of Pride, Lucifer.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Levi," he said. He was the most silent of the siblings but his position is nothing to laugh at. As the oldest and the strongest of the siblings he has the fullest right to be in line for the Demon Lord.

"Oh, Lucy's still sensitive about his name, fu fu~" Leviathan started teasing him.

Lucifer remained silent after that comment. He wasn't really in the mood for having small talk. The other siblings noticed and all looked at him. No one had said it, but the decision had already been made.

Lucifer looked at all of his siblings and silently observed everything about them. When they were kids he had always been the one to make the correct decisions and now it had fallen on him again. Even as leaders of their own regions they would randomly show up at his kingdom to ask for advice and he always knew what to say.

He had not realised it, but he had already been leading the Demon Clan to prosper in the shadows. Now it was certain. He was to be made the Demon Lord, ruler of all seven regions, the nations of Graellum.

"Then it's decided." Said Lucifer with a smirk on his face. They all nodded in agreement.

Later that day...

"What's on you're mind?" Asked a beautiful demon women to Lucifer. Her long black hair had been braided to complement her horns. She had pale red skin with very alluring curves. She walked over to Lucifer and held onto his shoulders as he sat on the bed.

They were about to spend their first night in the palace. Lucifer had been crowned Demon Lord and his region would connect with the Capital City in the coming weeks. There was a lot of work to be done but Lucifer looked to be happy about something.

"Silica..." He touched the women's hand. She hugged him tighter. "We're close to finding it now."

"I've found a way to help us get it faster," she said.

He ran his fingers through his slick black hair and looked back to Silica with his glowing red eyes. He had a curious look. "How?"

She then leaned closer to his face and whispered something into his ear. His eyes widened in shock. She put her finger over his lips to shush him. "You're not the only one who's dangerous." She gave him a devious smile. All he could do was nod. The Demon Queen was maybe even more dangerous than the new Demon Lord.

What these two were planning could be said to be the most malicious plan in the history of Aether. All they needed was for a few pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. The fate of the entire world rests in the hands of a certain pirate...

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