Interlude II: Old "Friend" & Half-Demon

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Milliana Stem P.O.V

I met Edward Teach—Blackbeard, rather, one year ago.

Yes. A full year ago, when no one even knew of his existence at the time—or, at least, no one knew he was alive at the time. But I was made aware of this reality unexpectedly...

"... Ahh," I yawned, covering my mouth.

The morning was still fresh when I set sail. I remember the ocean waves rocking gently, whilst the salty air filled my nostrils and relaxed my brain. As a pirate and navigator, the ocean was home—the place where I belonged.

But, that doesn't mean I should forget my birthplace, or the family I had so fortunately been blessed with.

It had been a while since I last saw my parents and siblings, so I thought it would hurt to visit them all. I had so many adventures that I wanted to tell them and many home-cooked meals that I wanted to eat.


"Eh?" A strange noise escaped me.

Without realising it, a small ship (large hold ten people at most) appeared in front of me. Shaped like a wooden serpent, the ship had four people rowing with elongate paddles whilst a fifth sat at the back, beating a drum rhythmically. Standing at the front were two people; a human pirate and a half-demon dressed in cloaks.

They suddenly just appeared, like they formed out of mist.

The human pirate, dressed in a large black coat gently smiled at me and raised his hand to wave.

"Ahoy there, Milly," he said. "Lovely to meet you."


Before I even said anything a pistol appeared in my hand like second nature. I pointed it at his forehead.

The half-demon raised her hand and the drumming stopped. This resulted in the paddlers stopping too, slowing their ship to a halt.

"Welp, that's expected," he said. "Honestly, I would be surprised if you shot at me."

"Clearly," I responded. My voice was cold. "Unless my eyes are deceiving me, I could swear that I'm staring right the [Last Pirate King] himself. All of Aether celebrated your death, so you're a little late to crash the party."

Why the fuck are you here, I added.

Blackbeard laughed at my words, unfazed with a calculating look in his eyes. In a very odd sense, it reminded me of my Captain; it reminded me of Kai.

I had mixed feelings about it, but I forced myself to settle down and clear my head.

Shit, I cried internally. It feels like my hands and legs are shaking. He's presence is intense.

The half-demon next to him studied my expression her cloak. I could clearly feel her stare, like she made no effort of hiding it.

Who was she?

"How I live, die and the story thereafter are stories I would love to sit down and tell you, but chances are that won't happen. 'Tis unfortunate."

"… Then what are you here for?" I asked.

This was a route I made specifically for when I travel to my family. There was no one I told about this route, not even Kai.

I can only conclude that Blackbeard purposefully came here because of me, otherwise I could have been dead already.

"For now, all I want is an update."

"… What? What do you mean?"

"What shenanigans has your captain been up to? I don't mind listening."

"Right after you tell me how you're here."

"… Pirate's luck, perhaps?"

"Bullshit," I said, laughing.

Wow, he's really like Kai. Even the shitty answers they have for everything. Hilario—wait a minute.


I was laughing with Blackbeard?

Did we always get along like this? I don't think so.


I was talking to Blackbeard, watchful of any actions that he could've made, but everything he was doing right now didn't feel that important. It felt like a casual conversation, just catching up. He was very easy to talk to, despite who he is.

But that half-demon, though...

My eyes kept turning to look at the half-demon next to him, unable to look away.

She was dressed in a dark cloak, but I could clearly make out her face. An intelligent young woman smirked at me, continuously, not saying a word.

Her smirk. It was not the gentle, bright or lustful kind of smirk, but the more unsettling kind; it creeped me out.

My palms were sweating, so I tightened the grip on my gun.

"Who's the companion?" I ask, cutting to the chase.

"Oh, she's nobody. Nothing more than a travelling companion," Blackbeard instantly responded, waving her off. "In fact, this is our last stop before going seperate ways."

"Huh," I gave a non-committal response. "Is that so?"


"Alright then."

Yeah, he's right. I'm overthinking this.

What's so strange about that woman anyway? She's just really interesting and grabbed my attention, that's all. What's stranger is the fact that I judged her so easily.

She must be a nice woman. A super nice one.

They're nice people—both of them.

It's like we're friends for the longest time. I should trust them with my whole life.

"…" Suddenly, Edward looked down at his feet with a sorrowful expression.

My chest ached to see him that way—wait, what?

What's happening?!

Something's definitely wrong here!


"What's going on here?" I ask, shooting my pistol towards Blackbeard, intentionally missing. "What are you doing to me?"

Then, he looked up at me, smiling.

"Well, I guess the easy way didn't work," he said, shrugging.

The runes on his coat started glowing in different colours, then he moved, attacking me with a motion to fast for me to react to.

My memories of what happened after are hazy, but Edward and I have been close ever since. (Funny enough, I never learnt the name of the half-demon)

Of course I would choose to work with him instead of Kaizoku.

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