Chapter 24: The Lazy Sea Emperor

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Aries was an island off the coast of Graellum. Known as one of the twelve constellation islands it was also one of the most famous islands in the world. It was beautiful in its sense that natural state of the forestry looked absolutely amazing.

In the centre of the island was a city. Built in a modernized fashion with wooden architecture it was absolutely perfect -

"Imma drink till I can't feel myself use the bathroom!!"



"Where's the rum??!"

- if not for the presence of all the celebrating pirates.

They were celebrating the success of another raid that made them walk off with two gold treasure chests. It was the "Save the city from bandits" quest that didn't even need all the main crew of the Zaba pirates to participate.

Yes, this was the island of the Sea Emperor of the West - Cortez Zaelivaar.

It could easily be seen from all the red trademark bandannas that the pirates wearing - all 8001 of them.

Calico Jack, the first mate, was moving through the streets to see what was going on. He was walking towards the centre of the city where a mansion had been built. His face being as expressionless as always.

He was a dragonman. They royal race of the world. Giving up his position to be a pirate. He was dressed in a pants with a large assortment of knives strapped to it and a white vest. Covering his body was dark red cloak but his face was exposed, showing his family's glowing orange eyes.

No one would be able to see it on his face and the blonde shadowing his eyes made it hard for people to realise what he was thinking.

That shitty captain...

The first mate of the main crew - Calico Jack Vor'Arlet - was walking with a vengeance towards his captain.


In the archives of the mansion there was an unlimited number of books spiraling through the entire area in shelves. The room itself was extremely large, but the books could easily make someone feel claustrophobic.

Calico was standing at the entrance of the archives as he scanned the room. There was a large number of books scattered everywhere, even piles of books were scattered on the floor making it hard to walk around.

Where is he...?

Calico took one of the knives out of his pockets and scanned the room. Using [Magic Sense] he searched the area to find a large concentration of mana.

It didn't take half a second before he found some thing and then threw the knife.

"Ow!" Someone yelled under a pile of books before standing up.

The man was really tall. Dressed in the attire of a sorcerer he started dusting himself off.

The man turned around to see Calico standing at the door with a cold gaze staring towards him. The man showed him a peace sign.

"Calico! How lovely is it in the morning?!" He said while letting out an awkward laugh.

"It's almost time for dinner." Calico answered with no emotion in his voice but the man knew Calico was pissed. "Give me back my knife. I know you faked getting hit."

"Hehehe... You don't let anything slip you, huh?" The man said as he threw the knife back at Calico and it stopped before his face and suddenly went back to his pocket all on its own.

Aether : CalraemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora