Chapter 60: Cortez, Calico & Dreams(1)

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Dreams are such an incredible phenomena.

Whether it be demons, humans, elves, kitsune, lycra or any other sentient being - we all dream. (There are exceptions, like Nature gods and goddesses, spirits a Quest Givers, but I believe they fall under a completely different category).

There's a lot that could be derived from one's dream; who we saw, what we did, what felt, what we thought about said action and how that relates to the lives we live once we are conscious.

Note: Our race and how we grew up also influence the kind of symbolism that we see in our dreams.

I'm half-human, so my dreams are less likely to have all the cultural symbolism prevalent in that of my ancestors.

But, that does not mean race and environment are the determining factors to single out "Dream Culture".

To provide contrast, Kaizoku Kuro once articulated that he's had a couple dreams in a vast and endless ocean as child. He struggled swimming for a while, then built himself a boat with shoes.

As a pirate, you would expect this kind of common dream, but - he had this recurring dream before he became a pirate.

For him to just be honest so off-handedly made me dubious, so I investigated further.

Calico Jack, Gemini Marsanth, Howell Davis(before his betrayal and well-deserved death) and many others - there's so much variety and concepts to investigate that it takes up a lot of my time, but is NOTHING to what is currently happening.

My thoughts are now properly collected and I believe it is now time to address what this preamble was about:

Last Night's Dream


Night approached.
Night approached.

Everyone and everything was quiet - silent, on this particular approaching night. As if talking was breaking a rule; as if making a noise was taboo. It was better to be quiet - silent.

It was like a strict curfew was established that everyone had agreed on to a subconscious level.

Everyone except me. Cortez Zaelivaar.

I walked through the city in a wavy state, like I had taken my drinking too far. The streets were empty and I could hear my every footstep as my boots clicked, and clacked across the floor.

Where was I going?

Why was I going there?

What am I going to do once I get there?

Pointless thoughts circled my mind in quick succession as I tried to be as rational as possible. Normally I would be knee-deep in research away from the noise and distractions, so even I found this endeavour peculiar.

Was I conscious of the fact that I was dreaming? I'm not exactly sure, but even if I was, I moved against my own will in a direction I wasn't sure off, dragging my body along.

- Then the scene switched, almost as if I blinked and it happened.

Once it did, I was at our graveyard. Tombstones lined in perfect symmetry. On their left was vase with flowers and on their right was their own personal bottle of alcohol and cutlass.

Death is as important as life; their relationship is mutual.

"Tch," I clicked my tongue. This is not the place I wanted to be.

Then, as I turned to take my leave, I noticed someone standing in the distance in front of one of the gravestones. Blonde hair, glowing eyes, scale-ish skin and a blank expression on his face - it's none other than my First Mate, Calico.

"What are you doing here so late?" I asked as I approached.

"Thought I'd give it a last visit before I take my leave," he responded, looking into the distance. From this view you could see the waves slamming a far-off cliff.

"Is that so?" I asked. "How sentimental."

Very not like you.

"You're prowling in the dark outside your palace," he replied. "Very not like you."

"It seems our behaviour - or rather, our routine, has been thrown off tonight. Plus the island itself is quiet, so it's not an isolated event."

The whole island wasn't being themselves tonight. It was clear that an unnatural event was about to take place.

"Hey, captain."


Before answering, Calico sat on the grass first then ran his fingers through his hair. "Is this our final conversation?"


"In a couple of minutes or so, those assholes are gonna pick me up and take me back that place. It was part of the agreement, so I don't have a problem with it. I'm just... wondering."

Is this our final conversation?

His voice was still neutral, but I could sense that this must have been something he thought over multiple times.

But -


- I groaned.

"Stop with the cringe, dude," I said, sighing. "If that's what you're worried about then I'm seriously going to lose all my self-confidence as your captain."

Calico tilted his head. "... You have self-confidence? I'm sorry for not noticing it in the slightest, Captain."

"Fuck you!"

T-The words just role of his tongue, doesn't it? What the heck is this talent? Damn it, this shit is unfair!

"A-Anyways...," I said, clearing my throat. "What gave you the impression that this is our last conversation?"

"Since I'm leaving."

"So?" I asked, placing my hands in my pockets. "You think I haven't prepared for this, yet?"

The moment I discovered what happened what happened with Damon, I could surmise that the repercussions must have been detrimental. After he explained it to me, it was time to get to action.

It's a good thing that Kaizoku's goals align with my own. Calico wouldn't have to break another rule by revealing the location of Vor'Arlet Queendom to me.

Blackbeard won't have his way.

"Anything that you'd need my help with?" Calico asked.

"We need you to play the role of a captured princ-"

"Hard pass," Calico answered immediately. "I can still attack with my kniv-"

"It was a joke! A joke!" I hastily answered as his knives began to orbit around his body.

"All you need to do is believe in your Captain," I said. "Us types are unreliable by nature which is why we need a crew to support us in the first place."

You think this crew can function without you and Nirvana?

"I'll admit," he said. "I was worried leaving this crew in the hands of a shut-in Sea Emperor and a nature goddess with Stockholm Syndrome."

"Will you stop-"

"Here they come," Calico interrupted, turning his glance towards the sky.

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