Chapter 56: Heroes(1)

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Delterra, the continent ruled by humans.

A prosperous land that held the hopes and dreams of all humankind. One could be born in the back of the country as a normal villager, and when trained hard enough, could rise even to the ranks of [General] in the Royal Guards.

The continent used to have humans that could control their magic for practical purposes but after the missuse of that same magic - Their god Mortar took it away from them. It was said that they did not deserve it.

But humans have a special resilience that no other race has.

Making sure not to leave the continent entirely defenceless, the Royal family - The Valtus family - was granted the ability to use a special magic called [Nobility]. In times of War they were even given the ability to Summon Heroes who receive a special magic called "The Devine Blessing". These Heroes could then protect the people who could not use magic practically.

It was also the most economically-inclined environment on Aether - even more than any pirate would think.

Blessed with minerals that housed magic that could be cultivated to form weapons, magical items and advanced technology that they never would have thought of if they still had their magic like the other races. That technology was also what allowed them to be on the same playing field as the other races.

Delterra may have been a continent with a dark past, but it had a lot potential for development.

All of this could only be possible with the right leader:

Nebuchadnezzar Valtus III, the "Sadist" Emperor.


Herchal wasn't in a really good mood at the moment.

Gritting his teeth, he stood in the royal family's garden angrily tapping his heel on the stone floor. The the sound of the metal scraping against the floor was done in an effort to clearly display his dissatisfaction.

How could he not be upset?

The first thing they do when he gains consciousness is give him a name and then carrief him off to Mortar-knows-where without his consent.

He had been given this lovely designed armour and cool sword to boot, he was shoved into multiple carriages and travelled across the country for weeks. Weeks on end! How in the world could they expect this of him and not answer any of his questions? They always only told him what they thought he needed to know.

"Grr..." Flashing his sharp teeth, Herchal let out a low growl as he crossed his arms.

The more he thought about his ridiculous situation, the more pissed off he was becoming.

Unable to find any reason to stay calm anymore, Herchal kicked a nearby chair to vent his anger.

The chair flew hundreds of metres into the air and landed on the other side of the garden with a loud crash. Taking that action seemed to calmed him a bit as he sighed in relief.

The garden where he had been "patiently" waiting was situated behind the Valtus Mansion. Spanning hundreds of metres the beautifully designed garden had pathways encrusted with mana gems in multiple directions. These mana gems didn't have any practical uses but they were beautiful to gaze at.

One of the people who particularly loved gazing at it was Jason.


"Ow! What the hell?!" Herchal cried when he felt something hit him in the back of his head.

When he turned around to look, he found that it had been the same chair that he kicked away.

Livid, Herchal scanned the area to find the culprit.

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