Chapter 4: The Heathen Pirates

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It all had happened so fast.

They were finally getting to hunt the Kraken, the last of it's kind meaning the riches that could be made from it was almost unfathomable. They had it cornered near Taurus island, as it had been damaged from the skewers that pierced it's body. Then "they" showed up.

Ordis "Lawless" Pivot was making a name for himself as the Captain of the Heathen Pirates. He had debuted a year ago and his bounty has been set to 20 000 Quintz. His crew consisted of at around 60 men and what made him a rising talent was that he wasn't part of any of the Sea Emperors' fleets. He had dreamed of becoming one himself.

"Have you realised you're mistake?"

That was the question he had just received from the man. The man that most pirates feared, Kaizoku Kuro, Captain of The Black Pirates. He looked around his ship and saw that all of his crew members were dead. It had happened so fast that he barely had a chance to see it. He still wasn't sure he had. All that he had by his side was his trusty sword and his first mate Darian. He didn't know what to do.

"I-I won't back down!" He yelled at Kaizoku, but the message was more to himself to motivate himself.

Kaizoku was the only member of his crew mates currently on the ship of the Heathen Pirates. He was staring down the other Captain and gave a small grin when Lawless refused to back down. Mary Jane was almost twice the size of Lawless' ship, The Cruiser, and this only helped in illuminating Kaizoku's overbearing presence.

"Well that settles it then." He reappeared in front of Lawless with a gun pointing against his forehead so fast that Lawless had no time to react. Instead he made an audible swallow and straightened his back. Darian pulled out his sword but had it shot out his hand by Afshang. Kaizoku made no reaction to this and continued to stare down at the Captain. Before he pulled the trigger, Lawless fell to the ground, prostrating himself.

"I'm sorry!!" He yelled.

Hikari was watching this scene unfold and something in his stomach didn't feel right. The moment he saw Lawless begging for his life he wanted to jump on the enemy ship and help them. His hero class still had an effect on him and his personality. He still wanted to help people. Then he decided to move. As soon as his body moved Sulvanath held onto his collar.

"Let me go!" Hikari yelled.

"Pay attention you idiot. I thought you were good with you're eyes." Sulvanath pointed at Kaizoku. "Watch."

"Sorry? Ha ha ha. Apologies have no place in the life of a pirate." Kaizoku then pulled the trigger.


After a deafening silence everyone looked to see that Darian was shot in the forehead. As soon as he fell to the ground his body shifted and twisted and then turned into an oversized crow with a hole in its head. Everyone barely showed any reaction to this. They trusted his judgement completely and pain no mind to this habit of his. All except for the shocked Hikari and Lawless.

"Darian! W-What happened??" He stood up and looked at the dead bird on his ship.

"Shape shifter." Kaizoku said as he put away his gun. "Cursed beasts that invade pirate ships and slowly take advantage of the crew. Eventually you all would have been killed after serving your purpose."

"W-Why did you save me? What about my crew? You didn't have to kill them!"

"Samurai Sensei!"

"Got it, Captain!" Kiiro then mumbled something and then clasped his hands. He was casting. After minute a wave of dark magic appeared and coated the ship. When it dissipated all the crew members were completely fine. This scene brought Lawless to tears.

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