Chapter 7: Fibonacci's Coffee

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It's been an hour since they left Hikari for the Independence Fortnight. They were on their way to Sagittarius, their home. It would take them a full day to get there so at the moment they all had nothing to do, the one who was especially bored was Eva.

"This looks amaaaazing!" That was the only reaction she could make after seeing what was in front of her.

She was currently in the kitchen with Sulvanath. He was the lead chef in the kitchen considering there were five chefs. They were busy making breakfast for a hundred crew members and Eva had come to talk to Sulvanath since she was bored.

After Kaizoku, Sulvanath was the one she trusted the most on the ship. He would always cook her amazing food and tell her stories of his life before he became a pirate. Her eyes always glowed and she let out an aura of happiness and cuteness that caused the food the chefs were making to taste even better. That's just how cute she was.

"I thought you would like it. It's not always that I have the ingredients to make a cake fer ya." Said Sulvanath.

The kitchen was fairly large and had enough space for the chefs to work freely and in the corner was Eva sitting by the table with a large cake in front of her. Sulvanath was sitting across her with a cup of coffee in his hands.

Eva was sitting and observing the cake that was in front of her. It was a double layered strawberry chocolate cake. It had small decorations on it and it had details that could have taken a long time to make, but this just showed how skilled Sulvanath was to make it in under an hour.

She took a spoon and carefully moved her hand toward the the cake, almost like she was afraid to touch it. Sulvanath smiled as he drank his coffee.

"No need to hold back. I made it especially for you because I know you would enjoy it. That idiot would probably just inhale the whole thing." By that 'idiot' he had meant Kaizoku.

She nodded and then brought a spoonful to her mouth. "Mmmmmm!" She exclaimed as sparkles filled her eyes. Her cheeks turned red. It was definitely delicious.

After that she took in spoon after spoon with the cutest expression on her face. The freckles made her smile look even brighter.  After she finished she looked at Sulvanath who seemed to be lost in thought. He also had a sad expression on his face. Eva didn't like it so she opened her mouth.

"That was delicious!" She exclaimed and emphasized it by raising her arms.

Sulvanath turned his attention to her instead of looking out the window. He then smiled when he saw her. "Glad you liked it. "

"Of course! Would you make me again?"

"You'll have to wait until we get home. I used all the ingredients for that one."

Eva pouted while crossing her arms. "No fair!"

Sulvanath laughed when he saw her reaction. "Life is never fair for a pirate." Then cringed when he realised he sounded like his idiot captain.

"That's nice." She said.

"What is?" He asked.

"The face you're making now. It's not sad anymore."

Was I?

He hadn't realised that his mind drifted off while he was with Eva. This was normal for all the chefs for him to do this on a daily basis but he didn't like it. Every time his mind drifted off he thought about a certain someone.

"What are you drinking?" She asked. It seems he had drifted off again.

"It's called Fibonacci's Coffee." He answered.

Aether : CalraemHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin