Chapter 12: Building Friendship

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"We need to move!" She said and then they all started running. The Oracle couldn't run very fast so Kearra threw her over her shoulder and began running. Alavara was leading them down the street.

The streets weren't very crowded but everyone was enjoying themselves. Some of the people noticed them running down the streets but didn't seem to care about it. They were looking for a pub but came across a revelation. On closer inspection there were a lot more pubs than Alavara and Kearra thought. Some streets even had pubs next to each other.

"These are a lot of pubs!" Exclaimed Alavara.

"Now that I think about it, that's why we're never short of money." Said Kearra as she rubbed the back of her head with an awkward laugh.

All the businesses were owned by Kaizoku and the money is circulated through the city by Kearra and the bank. The bank is always guarded with maximum security and anyone caught stealing received the death penalty. In that way, taxes weren't needed and everyone could make money through working at one of the businesses if you want to retire from the life of piracy or have it as a side job. There were also clothing stores, food markets, smith shops, gun stores and even training schools if you don't know how to use a weapon. Economically speaking, Arteriole was a very prosperous city.

"What?" Alavara was shocked that such an airhead was in charge of something so important. She could actually understand why Kaizoku kept her locked up. Her job was far more important than Alavara initially thought.

"I'm not directly in charge of it. I'm just more of an overseer. Kaizoku has a lot more key players involved."

"Are you sure it's okay to tell me this?" Alavara was worried that she might spill something unnecessary if they kept talking about it. Secrets that could get her in trouble.

"Your riiiight~" Kearra started sweating bullets as she awkwardly smiled.

The Oracle who was silent the whole time had made herself comfortable on Kearra's shoulders. She sat like a child being carried by a parent sitting on their shoulders. She pointed with her stick to the nearest pub for them to enter. To blend in with the pirates they quickly moved into a pub.

Sally's Checkpoint was the name of the pub. It had a very happy atmosphere. It was only the afternoon but some of them were already as drunk as lords. To their luck at the counter was someone who was happily drinking and conversing with the rest.

"Afshang!" It was the werewolf pirate. He turned around to see that it was Alavara calling him. His cheeks were red and his eyes were half open. He was completely wasted.

"Hey, hic... Elaine... hic," he said with a bottle in his hand.

"I'm Alavara, you idiot!" She was mad that one of her crew mates couldn't recognize her. What's more was that he was too drunk to help with Kaizoku.

Afshang just laughed it off and stood up to walk to her. He didn't even make it two steps and then fell to the ground face first. Most of the pirates in the pub just burst into laughter. "Ow... hic... Who *burp* put this... ground in the way?"

Alavara just let out a sigh of irritation. Afshang wasn't gonna be able to help her so she needed to find someone else who could help her with finding a better place to hide and drink.

"Alavara, I think we should go." Kearra whispered into her ear. Alavara looked around and noticed that most of the people were looking at them. This made her feel awkward so she immediately started backing off.

"Hey miss..." Someone grabbed her hand. She looked up to see an older overweight man who was trying his luck on her. "Care for a drink."

"Don't touch me!" She slapped away his hand.

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