Chapter 47: Coven of the Roses(5)

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Draculla made a name for himself in Graellum. He rose up the ranks in war and effortlessly demolished any and all enemies. He gained the support of all vampires and was instrumental in resolving the war with werewolves.

Over three hundred years, he married a werewolf and had a child. There was a religion initiated after him. He was made the new leader of Lilacs.

His largest accomplishment was the fact that he had become the object of love for the sun goddess. She became his second wife with the offer that all vampires be freed of the curse. He answered that he would accept without question.

At the castle of the Covenant of Roses, Draculla Lilacs entered through the doors with a sword in hand. He's expression no longer had the childishness of his youth and his gaze was sharp with glowing red eyes. He definitely had the presence of a leader.

Seated on the throne-like chair, Roses had his legs crossed and rested a cheek on his fist. It almost made him seem like he was glaring at Draculla.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Mr Sun god?"

"Spare me the formalities, Roses. You know very well why I'm here." He pointed the sword at Roses. "Why are you still a Covenant Leader? Rules dictate that you should have been replaced already. It's a rule-"

"-set in stone by your older stepsister, Five Flowers," Roses interrupted. "I'm well aware of the rules, Lilacs."

"Then why is your behind still comfortably resting on that seat? You're the one contradicting yourself here," Draculla retorted, maintaining a stern expression. "My brother was announced to replace you. Where is he?"

"Same as always." Roses slowly stood up from his chair, then strode over to Draculla. His expression remained unchanged and his confidence was emminating through each stride. "Doing something by himself. He's kind of the loner type."

Instead of refuting him, Draculla kept his silence. An uncomfortable expression made itself visible on his face.

He hadn't seen his brother for three hundred years. What was like? Had he gotten married? Is he an uncle? There was so much he wanted to tell him and so much he wanted to know.

He's tried meeting his brother many times before, but always got pushed back by Roses. Now that he was Lilacs, Roses could not do anything, especially since his brother was chosen to be the replacement this year.

Roses seemed to have his thoughts somewhere else.

"You're aware that each Covenant has a technique, correct?"

"... What are you getting at?"

"Just humour me for a moment. This will all make sense."

Draculla frowned, making sure his blade remained focussed on Roses as he walked closer. He didn't want to give him any opportunities to escape.

But, it seemed avoiding this banter was hopeless.

"Your Covenant is especially unique amongst us. It's perfected to the point where you can use three different versions of it."

"... I heard the Roses Covenant had a technique, but was scrapped because of the dangerous requirement."

"Correct. But, that's because morally, no one would allow it."


"Your brother, on the other hand, had a very loose sense of morality. Anything goes as long as he could get what he wants. And he wanted to reunite with you."


Draculla's face felt as if it was starting to pale. Alarm signals went off in his head.

Panic crept in.

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