Chapter 1: Hero Summoning

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The Church had been executing this summoning spell for the last three days.

It had taken a large number of mages that they had hired from the Elven Family to complete the ritual. The ritual could not be performed by humans as they do not posses the ability to use magic. The King has a long standing agreement with Thanheim and asked for the mages to use the Hero Summoning.

News had spread that the new Demon Lord was chosen and that he might be bringing danger onto the world. The Royal Oracle had prophecised, and she was never wrong. If Delterra - The Land of Humans - had any chance of survival they would need a method to protect themselves.

The Temple they had used was deep in the forest. It was twice the size of a church and had large room. Everything was cleared and then they surrounded a large summoning circle. They weren't fully sure if the spell was going to work as it was found in the palace archives. The formula was over a thousand years old!

The King walked towards the temple surrounded by his knights. He had been informed that the summoning had been a success. He wanted to see the person who had received the Hero Class for himself.

Two large doors opened to the room. It had no windows so the only source of light had been a large amount of candles lit everywhere. The mages were all wearing cloaks but in the centre he could be seen.

A young boy who looked to be in his late teens with silver hair and grey eyes. He had an aura that surrounded him showing that he possessed skill. He indeed was the "Hero" legends had talked about.

The Hero scanned the room.

He was completely confused as to where he was and how he got there. A man approached him wearing a red and gold cape with a curly beard. He also had a golden crown on his head with shining jewels as a form of designing it.

"I am King Marcus Saint The Third, ruler of Delterra. Tell me, what is you're name young fellow?" King Marcus asked the boy.

He tried to answer but realised something. He can't seem to formulate what his name was. He had a name, he was sure of it, but he can't seem to remember it. In fact, he couldn't remember anything about himself.

"I... I don't know." He answered.

King Marcus looked at him for a moment. He needed to bestow a new name for the Hero. This made him glad because this shows that the summoning had work. When the King bestows a name on the Hero he will become completely submissive to the King and do whatever he commands, no matter how contradicting.

"Well then. As King, I shall bestow-"


The king had been interrupted by a sudden explosion taking place at the door. People rushed in and held everyone at gunpoint. The king clicked his tongue when he saw what they were.


After the smoke cleared a man walked into the temple. Green eyes, black hair and pointy ears. He wore a tricorn hat and a black coat. What made him recognizable was the tattoo that ran over his left eye down to his neck. He was the Captain of these pirates: Kaizoku Kuro.

"King Marcus, fancy seeing you here." He smiled at the King, showing off some gold in his teeth.

"G-Guards!" The King roared.

His knights immediately reached for their weapons but before they could draw them they were on the floor, blood splattering everywhere. The one who had taken them down was dressed like a samurai, but had an eye patch on his left eye. His blade glowed with a red tint.

"Thanks, Samurai Sensei," said Kaizoku.

"Not a problem, Captain," said Samurai Sensei, whose name was actually Kiiro Ryoichi.

The King stumbled backwards. He had been cornered. His highest level of protection had been taken out in an instant. He couldn't rely on the mages as they have exhausted their mana these last three days. He only had one method left. The Hero.

"Her-" the king was about to turn to the the Hero when he saw that Kaizoku had appeared right in front of him. How he had done it he wasn't completely sure. Kaizoku just gave him a disapproving look as he shook his head.

"Here I thought you were a smart person, Marcus. I'm really disappointed." Kaizoku smiled, he knew the King couldn't do anything.

"W-What do you want?" The King asked.

"Now we're moving along," Kaizoku turned to the Hero. "I came here for the kid."

"What??" The King was furious and shocked. He was somewhat expecting  this answer but it had still surprised him. Humanity's only hope was about to be taken by pirates.

The boy who had been watching the entire scene was completely confused. What did they want from him? Was he someone important? Who exactly was he? These thoughts circulated in his mind but he was sure about one thing: these "pirates" aren't the ones he wants to be with.

"Come forth, [Derathis]!" He called.

He didn't know how, but his heart just told him that that was what he was suppose to say. His hands glowed and a magical sword appeared in his hands. It was a claymore, about two metres long and was emitting a powerful aura. The mages in the room started giving panicky looks to each other.

The Hero lifted the weapon and took a swing. The force of the wind blew back all the mages and a few of Kaizoku's men. Then, wasting no time, he attacked the one called "Samurai Sensei". He had come to conclusion that after the Captain he was the strongest.

Kiiro had predicted the attack and without missing a beat he parried the sword and used his free hand to grab the Hero's neck. The force of the swing blew a hole in the wall. It shocked a few people that Kiiro was able to parry the attack so effortlessly. Some of the mages saw this opportunity and ran for their lives. Kiiro looked over at Kaizoku.

"Captain?" He asked. Kaizoku knew what he was asking and nodded. "Do it." He said. Without waisting any time the hero was knocked unconscious. Kiiro carried his body over his shoulder. As soon as the blade, [Derathis], fell to the ground it evaporated into magic. The crew started collecting at the door and were waiting for the Captain. There mission was complete.

"I shan't accept this!" The King roared. He was panicking because he didn't know what to do. His nation's hope was about to leave. He needed to act for his people. Kaizoku held his shoulder.

"I'll ask you a question. If you can answer truthfully then I'll let him go right now," said Kaizoku with a serious expression.

The King was taken aback by this. He was really glad because all he had to do was answer a question truthfully. He didn't know if the pirate was lying or not but he could take the chance.

"Yes. I'll take it," said the King.

"What was the purpose of the Hero Summoning?" Kaizoku asked straight away. He looked straight into the King's glowing blue eyes.

"To protect my people." Said the King, no hesitation in his voice.

Then Kaizoku smiled, displaying his golden canine teeth. He patted the King's shoulder a couple of times. The King gave a small laugh thinking he had gotten the answer right. If only he had been.

"What a noble answer." Then he looked at his crew. "If only you had told the truth." Then Kaizoku and his crew disappeared. They were most likely using teleportation crystals.

The King dropped to his knees. He was shocked  as to how he was caught lying. He was going to have to report this to the Empire - the true noble family. The Hero had been taken by one of the biggest pirates in the entire world. He might even lose his position. That is one thing he doesn't want.

"I'll cover this up." He mumbled to himself. "Yes. That's right. I'll cover this up and say that the summoning failed! Ha ha ha." The king laughed. "That way I'll retain my - huh?" That's when the King found something he completely failed to notice.

His crown and jewelry had also been stolen!

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