Chapter 2: Test of Loyalty

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"What's on you're mind?" It was Sulvanath who had asked him the question. Sulvanath was the chef of the Black Pirates.  His dark hair complemented his pale skin. His horns poking through his forehead. He was a crossbreed between a human and demon. He looked like he was in his early twenties and was a head shorter than Kaizoku, who was fairly tall.

"It's nothin' Sully. What's for lunch?" Answered the Captain.

They were in the Captain's Office. Kaizoku was busy fiddling with the new crown in his hands. A week had passed since their raid on one of the temples at Delterra. They had successfully captured the hero. They had also explained to him why he was saved from the Human Empire. It was simple.

The Empire desired to take control of the other nations.

Lucifer's promotion to Demon Lord had given them the perfect excuse to ask for help with summoning of the Hero. In actual fact, if the Hero grew his abilities he might even be able to rival a Demon General. They could easily start building their nation over time as the Hero did all the work.

"C-Cap?" Sulvanath asked.

"Hmm?" Kaizoku woke up from his daydream and put the crown on the table.

"I said I'm making the meat special."

"W-Well then get to it!" The Captain smiled at this. It has been a while since they had the meat special. His mouth was starting to water.

"Ay, Cap!" Then Sulvanath quickly left the room. As he was about to close the door behind him Kaizoku called him.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Are you done yet?"


A wooden spoon flew against Kaizoku's forehead. A bump immediately formed on his head. Where the spoon came from only Sulvanath knew.

"I'm just getting started!" Sulvanath yelled.

"But I'm huuuungry~" Kaizoku complained. He sank deep into his chair.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going." Then Sulvanath left.

A moment later someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Kaizoku said. He had a bandage on his forehead.

"K-Kaizoku?" The Hero said as he walked into the room.

He was taken aback by how amazing the room was. It was a dark shade of brown and everything seemed to shine. In front of the window was Kaizoku's desk situated and he sat behind it. It was stacked with papers but Kaizoku didn't look like he was about to work on them anytime soon.

On the one side of the wall was a wall with at least a hundred books. On the opposite side was a large map of the world: Aether. On the farthest corner was a treasure chest.

"Captain Kaizoku," he said. "That's what you should call me."

"R-Right." Said the boy.

He had also undergone a change during the week. To protect him from the Empire and the rules of the summoning he was given silver earrings. The worked as a seal for his Hero Class and his hair colour and eye colour changed. His hair turned to a dark shade of grey and his eye colour changed to a dark blue. He had also received a name: Hikari.

"Why were you looking for me, Cabin boy?"

"I finished cleaning all the cannons, the deck and put back all the stray cannonballs back in the arsenal room. Am I finally part of you're crew?" Hikari looked exhausted but he was adamant that he wanted to part of they're crew.

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