Chapter 42: Sometimes, choices can be better made when you flip a coin

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Chapter 43: Sometimes, choices can be better made when you flip a coin

Instead of leaning against the railings of the Mary Jane as per usual, anyone looking for Afshang would find him in his new resting spot. A dingy that was tied to the main ship, hidden from the direction of the island.

Patience was not his forte, but here he was, waiting for a very important moment.

Night had fallen.

Alavara, Elaine, Hikari, Milliana, Ryoichi and not even the Captain had returned yet, even though it was almost time for curfew. And strangely, the one most particular about the rules made on the ship was Kaizoku.

But Afshang didn't mind, in fact, he could call himself lucky that they were out on this particular evening. The wind blew calmly, whispering sweet nothings into one's ear like a lover at candlestick. The ocean, calm as it was, allowed the boat he was on to sway a fair amount. If he was drunk, the swaying motion could haveve felt much worse.

But he wasn't drunk; he was tone sober.

Afshang had not brought anything anything relating to liquor to his lips. He was actually drinking water and healing potions to detoxify himself.

Why would someone like Afshang (who has such an appreciation for the invention of alcohol) be forced to turn it down and be stone-cold sober for an occassion?

This all goes back to when he returned from Elaine.

Having been cleared of all sustained injuries, he thought it best to have another drinking bout as "painkillers".

"Oh yeah, Afshang," Alavara called to him and handed him a rolled up note with a ribbon attached. "This arrived this morning. I just saw-"

"Thanks, I got it," he said, grabbing it out of her hand and walked off as quickly as he could.

It was rude, but he did to make sure that she didn't notice his surprise. He immediately recognised the ribbon and who the message had been from.

Opening the note, he read carefully, as to not miss a single detail of what was written.


Dear Afshang

Let me first start this off with a greeting, since it has fairly been some time since we've last had any real communication of sorts.

Greetings, dear Afshang. It has been far too long since you've graced me with your presence. How do you fare now that you've been an adventurer for over three years? Displaying some of the strongest marksmanship, I hope. Do you still name your weapons or is that one of those things called 'phases'? I don't know, but it doesn't matter. It's one of the quirky things that I adore of you.

One can feel the impression that you've made after you left the village. The king- Father, has even spoken of you recently, almost as if he misses you. It's also seemed to cause Mother to reach the point of pulling her hair out in anxiety. But, this is Mother, so I don't see how that's any different from what she usually does. All of your friends are pretending like they don't mind that you left, but they still practice marksmanship in the hopes of beating you. I think they just can't be honest with themselves...

But enough about your old friends and enough about Mother and Father. They are not the reasons that I have taken it upon myself to reach out to you. Call it selfish, stupid, menial or even downright wrong, but I just couldn't find it within myself to continue with this farce any longer.

Yes, I decided to do this out of my own volition. At midnight, every night, I shall wait for your return to my arms in the hopes that you can see how much my love for you holds dear. I may have let you leave for such a long time, but now, I cannot take it anymore. My parents have decided that I am to be married off to a neighbouring in the hopes of our kingdoms coming together but I shan't stand for it. I marry for love or I won't marry at all.

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