Chapter 20: The Concept of Right and Wrong

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Graellum is home to the Demon Clan. Consisting of seven races the Demon Generals all rule the these races in their respective domain as the Demon Lord oversees all of it. At first it was home to Daemon race alone a few era's ago. The Daemon Lord of the last era, became well known to the world for all the evil he brought along with. He made the world suffer and started multiple wars just because he felt like and his death count ran almost in the millions.

The Daemons were suffering because of this. The world came to know that Daemons were the equivalent of pure evil given life. The Daemon Lord didn't care, he continued to rule with an iron fist while his people suffered. The Daemon Lord's son, Draegor, hated seeing this. He wanted the people to be free from all of this.

One night, he went into his father's room and stabbed him to death using a special blade with an array of enchantments and different poisons. The next day, The Daemon Lord's death was declared to the world and his son took over. The world rejoiced but at the same time they were afraid for what the son would be like, the humans especially, but Draegor had planned for this.

He built the nation by taking in all the most despised races amongst the continents and gave them a home. They would plead their loyalty to him and his nation would grow. Next, he changed their name to Demons to show how much their race had changed and were willing to help the world.

As he built his nation further he realised the races still had a problem living with each other. They were seven races in total. He decided to split up the continent into seven regions, naming each after the sin committed by the former Daemon Lord. To rule these regions he had seven children who would later become the Demon Generals or known as the Seven Deadly Sins. Everything was looking up for the Draegor till the time he had died.

"He must have died with a smile on his face." Lucifer spoke. He was dressed in a formal attire. A black suit that was tailor made to him and made his red skin stand out and he looked even more handsome than before. The smile on his face was one of self satisfaction because of the situation he was in. His glowing red eyes were focussed on his position and his surroundings.

He was currently in the dinning room with his wife, Silica, enjoying a feast after a long day of working. They sat on opposite sides of the table as they ate. The table  was long and rectangular draped in an assortment of dark shades to add to the eerie presence of the castle itself. The table itself stretches so there was quite a distance between the two of them. Lucifer had been the Demon Lord for a little over a month but there was still a lot needed to be done. Luckily for him, his wife is always willing to help.

"The story you told me is no different from the one you learn in school." She said as she sipped on a glass of wine. The black dress she wore was a simple one that exposed her back but the elegance in her demeanour was otherworldly. Her actions were those of a lady with class. She had pale skin showing her halfbreed lineage but it never bothered Lucifer in the slightest. Her hair had braids over her ears and the rest was let down. There were two small horns in front on her forehead that poked through her bangs. She wore an assortment of jewelry in different colours that extremely beautiful on her. Lucifer was appreciating her as if she were a precious work of art in his view.

"This is the one I heard from my father. As royalty I never had the opportunity to learn in the same manner as commoners. It seems like the history told by my father is the one written in the history books. He sounded like a hero, didn't he?" Lucifer said and started eating again with his eyes closed, like he was savouring the taste as he let Silica think about what he said.

"He does, but I don't see the point." She answered as she observed her husband's movements.

"It's sickening." He answered and then took a sip of his wine. Lucifer never talked a lot. Majority of the time he saw it as irrelevant. He was the observant one but when he was in a conversation with Silica, his wife, it almost came natural to him at times.

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