11: ☆ the keeper ☆

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Harry ran into the hall the next morning while we were all eating breakfast. He looked out of breath and had an excited look in his face with his potions book under his arms. The first thing he did was tell us how his meeting with Dumbledore went. The headmaster was apparently convinced that Slughorn had a memory that would alter the fate of Voldemort if we were to discover it. Problem was, we had no idea how Harry was supposed to get it.

"Also...McGonagall just offered me captain position," he added and I could see his face was beaming. Everyone looked at him shocked, since I'm sure they were assuming I would take the position like last year. I was the first one though to stand up and give him a hug of congratulations.

"Nice job dude you 100% deserve it," I smiled.

"Does that mean you decide the tryout date?" Ginny asked from beside me.

"Yeah I was thinking Friday. That's what worked last year right." When he finished speaking, I heard the hooting of different owl's as they dropped off the daily mail. I was sad to see I hadn't gotten anything from Fred yet but instead got one from Sirius.


Hello dear I'm hoping your return back to Hogwarts was as ordinary and normal as possible. I am currently down in London doing some more business.

I wanted to write you a letter as soon as I received Harry's. He has told me he's suspicious of Draco Malfoy and gave me his entire theory. I have to say, based off what he said I can't help but agree with him.

Draco Malfoy comes from a dangerous family and I would trust Harry's instincts if I were you. I told him he had nothing to worry about so he wouldn't stress over another thing. I feel bad for asking, but I need you to look into Draco and his whereabouts. If he's up to something, it's certain to be no good. Your powers give you an advantage to find out what's going on.

Please report back to me when you find something and do not tell Harry about this. Miss you darling.



To hear Sirius say that even he thought Draco was suspicious made me wonder what it could be. I wasn't there in Diagon Alley but Ron and Hermione didn't seem too worried.

I glanced up from my letter and timidly looked over to where Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table. Surprisingly enough I saw he was already looking back at me, along with Pansy Parkinson. They both looked tired and were huddled up together, whispering amongst each other. I narrowed my eyes at her, not forgetting at how big a bitch she's been to me and my friends the last few years.

"Why are you staring at them?" Anastasia kicked my foot from under the table. She was sitting in front of me and caught me glaring.

"Have you talked to Draco this year," I asked hushed, "I thought I saw him this summer in Diagon Alley but I can't be sure," I lied and used the trio's story they told me as my own. She just shrugged and played with the eggs on her plate.

"No clue. I was in Paris all summer remember," she shrugged, "but you're looking at them as if they've done something wrong."

"Besides being insufferable dickheads," I scoffed, "no they haven't. I'm just suspicious. I mean they're secluded from everyone and whispering."

"Yes, like most couples do," Anastasia rolled her eyes.

"Couples," I looked at her shocked, "what— but I thought you—"

"Yeah things change," she said simply, "but if you're suspicious of them don't be. I would have heard through my dad if they did something wrong. And Pansy isn't as bad as you'd think she's just...misunderstood." At that moment Pansy looked back at me again and we made brief eye contact. I couldn't read her expression but with one last pointed glare, I looked away. Since it was time to go to class I made my way to Defense Against the Dark Arts and prayed that Snape wouldn't be in a foul mood already.

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