20: ☆ number 97 ☆

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And so that's how the following month went.

I studied hard in the library every chance I could get. When there was a time and day that no Quidditch practices were happening, we scheduled a D.A. meeting. As time went on more and more people started to overhear the whispers of a rebellion group and asked how to join.

We were careful to pick our members based off of people we thought were actually there to learn. Each member was instructed to sign the parchment just in case that someone revealed themselves to be a sneak.

I was beyond impressed with Ruby's determination to master each spell we were taught. She had gotten quite good stunning people. Anastasia also came to the second meeting we had, and people nervously walked around her, since her new reputation of hanging out with the Slytherins was no secret. But I warmly greeted her and was partnered with her for the entirety of the time. She also impressed me with the skill level she had in defensive magic without much practice.

It was the last day of term, and our last meeting before Christmas would happen that night. I woke up this morning with a slight headache and assumed that getting food into my stomach would possibly help.

"You don't look too good," Hermione pointed out at breakfast.

"Just a tiny headache is all," I assured her but her facial expression didn't change, "what?"

"It's just...I've been thinking what if you get headaches when something bad is supposed to happen," she said slowly. Harry and Ron were both quietly listening to our conversation.

"What like something to do with my Seer ability?" I whispered.

"You had that terrible headache the day of the third task remember," Hermione reminded me.

"And the first incident with Snow," Harry added, "you said your head was hurting that day too."

"I never noticed I guess," I shrugged, "is there anything like that in the one book you found." Hermione nodded her head and told me we'd go to the library later so she could show me, "I guess I just assumed I had a headache since I wasn't sleeping well."

"Why?" Ron asked.

"Okay this is going to sound silly but a number keeps showing up in my dreams, all I can see when I fall asleep is the number 97." Harry dropped his fork on his plate and whipped to me.

"A glowing 97?" he asked.

"What?" I said confused, "yeah but how did you know? Did you tell him Hermione?"

"The dreams I told you I've been having! I walk inside a door down a long corridor and stop when I reach this glowing number 97," he explained.

"If Violet has a headache and you're both dreaming about the same exact thing then maybe you should tell someone? I mean that can't be a coincidence?" Ron said louder.

"Yeah if it gets worse by the end of today's meeting I'll tell Professor McGonagall," I assured them, "alright I'm done eating, show me the book Hermione." We said goodbye to the boys and walked off to the library. I walked in with her and spotted Anastasia and Draco sitting at a table together. I waved over at her, but Hermione pulled me away, insisting we didn't have much time

In the defensive spell section, she led us to a red book that she shoved in the back behind everything.

"It's in this section?" I said confused.

"Well I was looking for ideas for the meeting and I stumbled upon this book that had a section on Seers. Chapter 5." I flipped the pages and skimmed the words quickly when I found it.

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