27: ☆ warning ☆

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I sat up in a gasp as soon as we apparated away, my back lifting from the ground. We were in the same alleyway that we had arrived in New York in, and Fred was looking back at me with rapid eyes.

"Thank Merlin you're okay," he breathed out and helped me lift my neck by placing his hand at the back of my head, "I was so scared something happened. You just all of a sudden dropped—"

"Is it dead," I swallowed, "the snake did we kill it?"

He look back at me with a proud expression, "yes. Yes we did." I sighed in relief, thankful that we had achieved the purpose of our mission.

Who would've thought that my mom would be such an instrumental part of destroying Voldemort. Without her hint we would've never known that Naginis power as a Horcrux was split.

Wiping away at my face I coughed out some of the smoke in my lungs and felt black char on my cheek.

"I think I passed out because of you know who," I shook my head.

He knit his eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

"I think that night I slipped into his head in the Manor I created some mental link between the two of us. Destroying the Horcrux felt like it killed a part of me just now and I heard a scream. But I don't think it was mine."

"So then he must know it's gone," he nodded quickly and stood up to his feet, pacing in the alleyway.

Voldemort technically was now pressed up against the wall with nowhere to turn to. He had to know we were hunting Horcruxes by now and he got rid of his only back up plan. The only action he could do is start fighting, or save the remaining ones he had.

"Did the house burn down...?" I asked him cautiously.

"Yeah the whole thing did," Fred stopped pacing and sat down beside me, "I had to apparate us out the window but from what it looked like I think everyone in that bag of his escaped."

"Good," I smiled, "looks like we did two heroic things tonight." It was late at night in the city but the noise continued to circle around me, pinching my head.

"Vi?" He asked me knowing the look I was making.

I was almost scared to ask my next question, "did I...hit my head when I passed out?" I wondered out loud, "I have a weird pain by my temple—"

"No," Fred in-took a breath, "no you didn't."

We both sat there in silence, knowing that the reason for my headaches were never a good sign.

"Hey I wouldn't worry," I placed my hand on his and was happy to see him return to his normal face without the polyjuice potion, "i'm sure it had to do with you know who screaming in my head that's all."

"Yeah you're probably right," he held out his arm and helped me stand up before following suit, "should we make our way back to the hotel?"

"I mean we paid for two nights. Might as well take advantage of it," I managed to chuckle and hooked my arm in his while we walked back.

The pathway was the same when we crossed the familiar streets from yesterday and made our way back to the hotel.

In silence we kept waking, but it was a comfortable one. We both treasured the moment together, and tried to pretend that we were just an average couple walking through the midnight lights in New York City.

Pretending we didn't just watch a man die.

Pretending we didn't see a house burn down.

Pretending we didn't just destroy a fragment of someone's soul.

Irresistible - f.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now