16: ☆ sightings in godrics hallow ☆

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I was sitting in the living room drinking from my mug of hot chocolate, attempting to unscramble a couple more words from the notepad. A day had passed since Christmas, both Fred and I waking up with a brighter smile on our faces because of the night we had before.

He had kissed me goodbye in bed, but that short kiss eventually turned into a longer one, which turned into another round.

I blushed in my drink thinking over the memory and shook my head to focus back on the notepad in front of me.

Finding the information about Skender made the biggest turn in my mission. Not only did I have a a word cracked, but a lead in what I was supposed to do.

What my mom wanted me to do.

One additional word I was able to make out was pretty easy since the space between the letters showcased it would be two words. I had gotten New York from it, and I hoped—more so prayed—that it gave the location of this Skender man and he could give us the information we needed.

Ron came downstairs shorty, leaning against the counter, and making some kind of egg sandwich.

"Morning," he greeted with a surprisingly cheery voice.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked suspiciously and stood up to take an apple from the counter.

"Before Bill went to bed last night he told me Potterwatch will be happening earlier today than usual. I haven't had the password for weeks since I missed an airing," he explained.

"That's weird Fred didn't mention anything to me—"

"He probably doesn't know," Ron answered, "apparently some big thing happened yesterday and Bill left the house during the night. I only heard him come back in when I was in the loo."

"And Fleur? She's almost always down here at breakfast," I glanced around the room not seeing the familiar blonde.

"She went to go visit her family with Bill since apparently the borders were the safest right now," he shrugged and I just accepted his answer.

We both sat around the radio in silence waiting for the familiar static to rumble and shoot out some voices. About ten minutes went by when we heard a noise and the black object stirred to life.

"Say the password Ron," I elbowed him.

"Oh yeah! Muggle," he said firmly into the radio and then grinned at me, "clever password huh?"

"—Good evening to all those who are joining us here today. We have some breaking news and will be repeating the broadcast for people who are listening later tonight—"

"Is that Lee Jordan's voice?" I whispered and Ron nodded, not wanting his voice to overpower whatever we were hearing on the radio.

"—Yes well today's an emergency broadcast since we have news on a couple of undesirables who have been sighted—"

"That's Fred's!" I said excitedly.

"Shut up," Ron said angrily and I closed my mouth tight lipped and decided not to interrupt again.

"—Here we have one of our very own Moony giving the update," Fred finished. I physically held my tongue in my mouth so I didn't yell out that I knew Moony was actually Remus Lupin.

"Thank you all for the warm welcome. Good afternoon everyone I hope you've all had a safe and happy holiday. I'm here to inform you of the reported sightings of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger—"

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