27: ☆ family picnic ☆

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I woke up in a gasp, looking at my surroundings and not knowing where I was. My stomach swelled in pain from sitting up so quickly.

"Oh thank goodness," my dad breathed out from beside me. I was in a white bed along with many others, which made me guess I was laying in the hospital wing.

"What happened?" I said groggily. The last thing I remember was standing by the forest with Krum and seeing a red light-

"You were stunned," he explained, "I don't know by who or why but you've been out for about 15 minutes. Viktor still hasn't woken up." I glanced to my left and saw Krum laying unconscious.

"It was Mr. Crouch," I said, "it had to be, no one else was with us."

"Lay back down," my dad ordered, "Like I said, when Dumbledore and Harry got to you, you were both alone and had been stunned."

"Well i'm okay now can't I go?" I asked.

"No not yet, I will wake your sister and tell her what happened. After that I'll escort you back to your dorm but until then wait here," he said sternly, leaving no room for argument.

When he opened the doors to step out of the hospital wing, the trio came in.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, I went to go wake Hermione and Ron," Harry explained, "I should've never left you alone it was my fault-"

I raised my hand up interrupting him, "Harry there's no way you could've known. It's fine I promise."

"Well i'm just glad you're okay," Hermione said giving me a hug, "do you remember who stunned you?"

"Nope. All I remember is seeing a red light from the place Mr. Crouch was standing."

"Well then it comes down to this," said Hermione rubbing her forehead, "either Mr. Crouch attacked Violet and Viktor, or somebody else attacked the three of them when they weren't looking."

"It must've been Crouch," said Ron at once, "that's why he was gone when Harry and Dumbledore got there. He'd done a runner."

Harry shook his head, "he was really weak though. I don't know how he could've disapparated like that."

"You can't!" I groaned out seeing as we've discussed this a million times.

"You can't dissaparate in the Hogwarts grounds, haven't I told you enough times," Hermione said. Seeing as they were getting nowhere with knowingly figuring out who attacked Krum and I, the trio packed their stuff up to go. Apparently they urgently had to go to the owlery to send a letter to someone, and I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital bed until dad showed up to escort me out.

About 20 minutes later another pair of people entered the wing, "Violet!" Fred rushed over to me followed by George, "we just heard from Ron what happened, are you okay?"

"No more visitors it is almost curfew!" Madam Promfrey lectured.

"We'll leave in a little bit I swear," Fred said.

I saw her glance at the clock, "5 minutes boys," she replied, turning away.

"Well yeah i'm fine now I was only stunned, what are you guys doing up?" I interrogated, "I thought you had already gone to bed."

Fred rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "well yeah but we had to send a quick letter out."

"Okay spit it out then," I demanded.

"Come again?" George stammered.

"What? You two idiots think I haven't noticed you sneaking off to the owlery either early in the morning or late at night?" I said pointedly.

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