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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

"There will be one girl born to predict the fall of opposing forces. If the two lights are united, these two will bring forth justice, but if separated, evil will persevere and spread darkness along the fall of the world"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

The clock in the highest point of the town chimed loudly, marking the announcement of the time turning to 9:00pm. People scurried home, their umbrellas pulled out and prepared to open, hoping to escape the storm and return to their warm dwelling. At the clock's ring, snow started to sprinkle down upon the meek muggle streets in a coat of white, blanketing each house that followed each other in rows. In one particular home you could hear the fits of laugher from the sidewalk outside of it, hearing four prominent voices.

A man and woman sat happily in their humble abode, sitting on the couch and watching their daughters in amusement. The two children in front of them were singing at the top of their lungs, proudly presenting the lyrics to a song they had memorized. The youngest had her black hair up in one pigtail, unable to speak yet, but made baby noises and looked up her sister to copy the syllables.

Their young girls where approximately 4 and 1, close enough to entertain each other yet far enough in age not to fight. A phone rang, interrupting the chorus of the song they were singing, making the eldest pout and cry on the floor. Her parent's attention had diverted from them, to the nameless person on the phone. The call must've been serious, with the two adults soaking up every word on their end. With the second clicking noise of the night apart from the clock, the phone went back down onto it's receiver, and both parents were slightly more paler than before.

Being an Auror had it's pros and cons, one of the negatives being the schedule of the job. Having to be on call at all times proved to be difficult in some situations, given that their daughters weren't even close to the age where they could watch over themselves. Tonight's circumstances proved to be a difficult one; the task they were both to set on tonight wasn't a dangerous one, but you never knew.

"I can try to call my mum and see if she can watch the girls?" The father suggested with a slight shrug of his shoulders. They were new to the town, and hadn't even acquainted themselves with their neighbors enough to ask for a favor like this.

"We don't even have the floo network set up and she doesn't have an apparition license here," the mother sighed, and ran her fingers through her hands, in a manner that attempted to relieve the stress. The two parents were instructed to inspect two locations where 'you know who' was rumored to have resided; if there was any proof there, then they were to alert the ministry of his return at once.

"Well what do we do with the girls? We'll get an infraction on both of our stubs if we don't report back tonight," the man stood up and started pacing the living room slightly. The two girls had already forgotten the interruption of their show, and were rehearsing a brand new act to perform next.

"Your location is just a house right," the woman looked at her husband for confirmation, "you can take Ruby with you there, and Violet can accompany me by the cave. She can wait in the car so no there's no danger there." It was the best plan the couple could come up with. They couldn't just leave their children to fend for themselves, and they had to call the ministry back by midnight.

The two girls were pulled apart, crying again at the second disturbance of their attempt to put on a show. The dad grabbed the crying toddler from the ground and pulled her jacket from the closet to wrap it around her.

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