29: ☆ battle ☆

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A/N Here we go:

I coughed out the dirt that I seemed to have swallowed and dried up my throat. Beside my elbows landing harshly on the ground, everything else moved fine.

I looked frantically beside me and saw that Hermione, Ron, and Harry were all also on the ground, with Draco giving us all a frightened look before running off.

The fire that had spun out of control in the room of requirement was still racing towards us, with no intentions of stopping it looked like.

The cup was firmly in Harry's hands and I lurched my body over to Hermione's bag, grabbing the basilik fang from the pocket.

I could feel the Horcrux trying to penetrate my mind and steer me away from destroying it, but I had my mental block up guaranteeing my protection.

With the raise of my hand, I brought it down forcibly, and screamed as I stabbed the cup straight in the center. The feeling was weird, since the object was solid yet the fang slipped through it as if the cup was liquid.

The black smoke that rose of from the Horcrux knocked both Harry and I backwards, which left Ron to kick the object directly into the doors of the room, letting the black meet the flames.

"We got it," I heard Hermione whisper to herself and almost reaffirm out loud once the room has disappeared into the wall.

"That's almost the last one," I breathed out and wiped the sweat off my forehead, my chest rising and falling quickly.

Harry was still leaning against the wall, his gaze looking ahead at the ground in front of him as he went into one of his usual visions.

"It's the snake," he suddenly blurted out at us and blinked rapidly, "we were right. She's the last one he has. It's the last Horcrux."

Ron propped himself beside Harry and put a steady hand on his shoulder, "look inside him, mate. Find out where he is. If you find him, we can find the snake and we can end this!"

Funnily enough Harry moved his eyes towards Hermione almost asking for her approval before he did so.

"Do it Harry," she nodded and we all watched him while he closed his eyes and slipped into his state. Only seconds went by when he gasped with a breath that sounded like he was resurfacing from water.

"I know where he is," he said confidently and stood up to lead the way.

And so our battle began.

The four of us sprinted down the stairs and tried our best to make our way out of the castle. All the usual entrances were blocked and swarmed with Death Eaters, leaving the main entrance as the only way to get out.

My eyes flickered in the hallways as I watched multiple students scream, and cast spells towards the spiraling Death Eaters that were pushing their way into the castle.

As we were running through the front doors, Harry stopped in his tracks and yanked Hermione backwards, just in time for a green curse to fly by us.

I spotted a familiar face among the crowd, one of the Death Eaters who had found us in the cafe earlier this year, and I heard his mind decide to one off 'the Weasel'.

He shot a spell at Ron's back quickly and I hardly had time to react, "Protego!" I let the white light shield him while the rest of us kept running forward.

There was rubble everywhere, and stone bricks from where the giants had started pulling material from the castle all together.

As we tried to run past the giant, it's attention turned to us with its club and clearly took interest in our frightened faces.

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