24: ☆ mass breakout ☆

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The holidays were spent with all of us marveling in all the new stuff we had gotten for Christmas. A lot of people were ordering joke products from the twins as presents which kept them quite busy. As a group, we all managed to distract Mrs. Weasley enough to let the twins sneak away and start mailing things out.

Ruby had gotten this enchanted makeup set from Hermione and Ginny where you used your wand to select a color, and pallet of variety would lay out in front of you. So every single day we were there, she would practice her looks on me, giving me a different eye look daily.

Mr. Weasley was healing well, and I was grateful to see him stand up out of the wheelchair on the last day we were there.

"See Molly, the muggle staples worked perfectly!" Mr. Weasley laughed. It had been a sight to see when he told her that he had let a muggle doctor place staples up the length of his torso. She had been furious that they had 'experimented' with something as serious as his injury, but it ended up doing the trick.

"Oh yes we are so lucky that they stitched thin pieces of metal into your body Arthur," Mrs. Weasley retorted.

"Okay make sure you're packed Violet, we're leaving soon," my dad said peaking his head into the room.

"Alright, I just have a couple more presents to put away," I assured him and went back to my room trying to get everything to fit in my bag. I seemed to always have this issue, if only I knew how to do a spell that allowed me to throw an endless amount of thing's into a bag, and just be done with it.

A couple minutes later someone came by my room, "ah just the gal I was looking for," I saw Sirius standing in the doorframe.

"Ah hello Perrito," I said, having decided that the Spanish translation of little dog would be his new nickname. He chuckled and walked inside.

"I wanted to give you your gift more privately. I just finished it," he said and handed me a small wrapped box.

"Oh Sirius you didn't need to get me anything—,"

"On the contrary yes I did," he smiled and encouraged me to open it. When I lifted the lid of the box I found a small gold ring placed inside with a small black button on the band.

"What is it?" I asked marveling at it.

"It's a ring with a summoning charm on it. If you press this ring, I and only I will know that you're calling for help. Harry is way too stubborn to ever ask for me if things get serious since he wants to protect me," he explained, "but I know you're smarter than that, and won't hesitate to alert me if something happens."

"Well thank you," I said, "I'll make sure to only use it during emergencies," I assured and stood to hug him. I had grown to become quite fond of Sirius. He was just a poor man who had to sacrifice half of his life, because another man framed him. He didn't deserve the loneliness that it had caused him.

"Off you go then! I'll see you over the summer," he smiled at me and ruffled my hair. I giggled and watched him walk away with an odd feeling in my body. I was worried about him? Something in me was making me anxious over Sirius but I'm sure I was just being silly. I mean he was home and safe, he obviously wasn't in any danger.

"Alright, let's go," dad instructed and lit the fire place. Harry hung back with Sirius clearly engrossed with their own private conversation. So with one last glance back, I stepped into the fire and appeared in Professor McGonagall's office.

"Miss Pine," she greeted without even looking up, "Please take this letter with you and read it accordingly." I spotted the white letter on her desk with my name on it and grabbed it. After nodding respectfully back at her, I went back to the common room with the others. It was night time already and tomorrow would be the first day back to school after break.

Irresistible - f.weasleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin