26: ☆ her ☆

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A/N :P

"You heard the man," Ron breathed out and water in my time in taking a small swing of the potion. He passed it over to Ginny to drink as I spoke.

"Okay you're right we have to get a move on," I placed my hand to my head as I could feel a headache coming on, "Hermione where are the galleons?" She sat there dazed trying to process everything Harry had said.


"In my bedside drawer, the top one," she looked up at me. I sipped my portion of the Felix and raced into our dorm. Lavender and Pavarti were asleep so I had to quietly open Hermione's things and feel around until I felt the familiar coldness of the gold coin.

"Alright I got it. How do we charm it," I asked hurriedly coming back down the steps. We all were in a panic trying to move and speak quickly.

"What about Luna? Your sister? How are we going to contact them?" Ginny spoke.

"The coins should work for everyone. It won't be a message to specific people, everyone who has a coin will get it," Hermione said hesitantly not knowing if we could trust who had a coin at this point.

"Fine then don't use it," I said speaking as fast as I could, "Ron can go wake up Dean and Neville, Ginny and I can go find Luna and my sister. Just find a way to contact the order Hermione!" I instructed already halfway to the exit. Ginny and I ran out and I left the painting for the second time that night.

"What about Professor McGonagall?" Ginny breathed out while we were running, "maybe I can find her in her office to contact the order."

"Ginny that's perfect!" I said slowing down to a stop, "I'll meet you back at the common room then? With Luna?"

"Not Ruby?" Ginny asked.

"No absolutely not. She needs to stay away from this mess. I'm only going to warn her," I answered and without another word we both started running in the other direction. Harry was right about tonight, it would the perfect moment for Draco and Pansy to do whatever they were planning. All the students were defenseless at this point.

I ran up to Ravenclaw tower and started banging on the doors hoping someone would hear my cries and let me in.

"Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?" A voice said which made me jump up in fright. The eagle knocker placed on the door spoke a riddle and expected me to answer in order to go inside.

"I don't fucking know!" I said bewildered, "I have to see my sister let me in!"

"Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?" the eagle repeated again.

"I don't know maybe a cookie!" I shouted trying to rack my brain for answers. That was the first word I thought of and I shouted it out. The door made a beeping noise, rejecting my answer, and once again said the same riddle.

I snapped my head to the side when I could hear the sound of footsteps from in the same hallway. Narrowing my eyes I tried to look for who it was but instead heard a familiar voice.

"The answers 'wholesome'" a dazed voice said from next to me and I had never been happier than now to see the face of Luna Lovegood.

"Luna oh my god what are you doing here?" I asked with wide eyes.

"I keep the coin in my pocket and I felt it burn. I was coming from the library about to meet you guys but are we coming here?" She looked around trying to see if anyone else was here. So Hermione had decided to use the coins, I wondered who from the DA would actually show up.

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