13: ☆ apologies ☆

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I wrapped my scarf tightly around my neck as I headed down to the Quidditch pitch. The wind was blowing quite hard as the weather began to shift from a normal October breeze to an icy chill in the air. I clenched my hands in my mittens as I tried to warm up my body.

After getting a long night of sleep I felt so much more refreshed and at peace than I ever had before. It seemed like talking about what I experienced with my mom took a small load off my shoulders I didn't even know I had. Even though I didn't go into a lot of detail it was nice to know that someone at this school knew what had happened and I could go to Fred to talk about it anytime.

I saw Ruby sitting on the grass in the Quidditch pitch as she was tying the laces on her shoes. "Took you long enough," she greeted as I saw she had brought her broom with her. She had mentioned recently that she wanted to try out as chaser for her second year. I laughed at first imagining us playing against one another, but I had to admit she was getting pretty good the more we practiced.

"Sorry that not everyone likes to wake up at the crack ass of dawn," I rolled my eyes as Ruby was the early bird in the family.

"I'm so excited," she squealed as she stood up ready to mount her broom.

"Now hold on," I lectured, "Just because you've had small flying lessons in class doesn't mean you're prepared to fly hundreds of feet in the sky. We are only hovering a few feet up okay?"
She muttered something under her breath but I just ignored it as I pulled out the toy Quaffle from in my robes.

"Did you steal it?" my sister gasped seeing me take the ball out.

"No dummy this is one of the toy quaffles dad bought me. It's good for practice because it's a lot bigger and lighter than an actual one," I explained.

After making sure that Ruby had a tight grip on her broom, we both pushed off the ground and began to circle the pitch. I threw my head back in laughter as she lost control of her broom while trying to go faster than me and flipped upside down. After letting her scream a bit, I pulled up on her robes and got her back level on her broom.

"THAT WAS INCREDIBLE," she was cheering as we did a couple more laps around the pitch. An hour went by as we continued to fly in a circle and throw the quaffle back and forth.

"So what's the deal with that boy you sit with at the ravenclaw table?" I remembered wanting to ask her a couple weeks ago. Her face went pink as she shook her head aggressively.

"He's just my friend named Thomas. That's all. Just my friend," she assured me while I laughed at her being flustered, "What about you and that redhead," she raised her eyebrows while I stopped flying midair. This time it was my turn to get embarrassed.

"I have many red headed friends. If you're talking about Ginny I promise you she's just my friend too," I answered as she gave me a toothy smile.

"Oh please you know I'm talking about that one twin," she scoffed, "Dad nearly had a heart attack when he saw you laying on that boys lap during dinner." I shook my head wanting to forget that embarrassing memory.

"I wasn't laying on his lap and either way there's nothing there I promise," I told her while trying to convince myself of the same thing. I don't know what was wrong with me that made me gush when I thought of Fred's cute smile. I hardly knew him anyways, and I overheard that Angelina told a couple people she fancied him.

After we exchanged a couple more passes we decided that it was time to head back inside to shower and get to the hall for breakfast.

"See you on Thursday in dad's office," Ruby said while walking in the opposite direction. I felt the mud in my shoes and couldn't wait to get into a hot shower and peel my sweaty clothes off. Luckily everyone in my dorm, except Hermione who wasn't there, were still in bed asleep so I snuck into the shower and turned it on. I twisted the handle to scorching hot so I could get rid of the freezing feeling in my toes. While scrubbing my hair, I made a mental to do list of all the assignments I needed to have done before the end of the day.

I put on my robes, braided my hair, and applied my favorite Apple perfume before leaving to the common room. Hermione and I had the same charms class in the morning so I sat on the couch doodling while I waited for her.

"Uhm could I talk to you?" A voice coughed from behind me. I turned around and was met with the sad green eyes of the raven haired boy. I nodded as Harry took a seat next to me and stared at the hands in his lap. To be honest I wasn't mad at him anymore but he never apologized for what he said so it made me reluctant to try to be his friend again.

"I'm sorry," he blurted as I kept my eyes fixed on him, "I know you were only trying to help me stay away from trouble. I just hate Malfoy and I've been so angry since the champion selection I guess I just took some of it out on you," he admitted while looking back at my face continuing, "I really am sorry. I know what I did was wrong and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you punched me for it."

Now I know what I did next probably wasn't one of my finer moments but I couldn't help myself. My hand went up and I smacked him in the face just like he said so.

"Ow," he said while holding his hand to his check. We both looked at each other shocked at what I did. I laughed at my sudden violent outburst and jumped on him to give him a huge hug.

"Well you said to punch you!" I snickered in his ear as my arms wrapped around his neck. After making sure to squeeze the life out of him I pulled back smiling, "anyways I forgive you. I also apologize for hitting you so looks like we're both even now," I stuck my hand out for a truce handshake. He shook his head chuckling at me and met my hand for a shake.

"Oh good you've made up!" Hermione interrupted as I saw her enter the common room. The three of us caught up on each other's lives as we headed down towards charm class. Harry filled us in on what the his meeting was like with the other champions. Apparently they had to weigh and check everyone's wands to make sure they met certain regulations for the tasks ahead. Harry even told us how Hagrid convinced him to come out of the castle after curfew so he could reveal to him the first task.

"Dragons!" I exclaimed as both Harry and Hermione shushed me, "Sorry. But Harry isn't that awfully dangerous. I don't even know a spell strong enough to impair a dragon much less stun them completely." I immediately began to rack through my brain on ideas of how Harry was supposed to defeat the dragon. Even though we didn't know what his task was, the fact that it included a fire breathing animal terrorized me plenty.

"I'd say transfigure it, but something that big, you really haven't got a hope. I doubt Professor McGonagall could even...unless you're supposed to put the spell on yourself," Hermione began to ramble as she listed all the different tactics he could use.

"I'll figure something out," he muttered as I could tell he felt uneasy thinking about the task.

"Yes you will since we are heading to the library for free period straight after this," Hermione bossily said as Professor Flitwick entered the classroom.

Since I didn't have free period today I attended all my other classes for the day before finally walking into defense against the dark arts knowing it was my last one. I dropped my books on the desk and leaned in my chair waiting for this class to be over.

"Can I sit here," a familiar voice asked as I was met with the face of Anastasia.

"Sure," I responded as I moved my books slightly making room for her.

After a couple minutes of silence she turned to me, "Listen," she started, "I know I've been a bloody bitch lately ignoring you but that's only because I thought you were keeping how Harry entered into the tournament from me. I've had time to realize that I was being stupid and I want to apologize," she said with big eyes handing me a box under the table. I looked at them and saw that they were a package of swedish fish.

"Ah you remembered!" I squealed ripping the box open.

"Took a long while to find those that did. I checked Hogsmead and Owl'ed Diagon Alley but I was able to find a shop in Knockturn with American shipments," she said in a proud voice. I smiled at the thought Anastasia had put into my gift and I gave her a hug. I could tell she felt bad and it felt really nice to have both her and Harry back at my side again.

"I agree you were being a bit bitchy but of course I forgive you. Now you have to try one!"

She scrunched her nose up in repulsion as if she was expecting it to smell bad, "I don't care what color those sweets are, but you'll never get me to try a bloody candy fish!"


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