1: ☆ the move ☆

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Edited 8/25/21

"Ugh cmon!" I groaned out while jumping on my bag, silently begging it to shut so I could zip it up. I could feel the knot in between my eyebrows tighten in complete frustration. One pair of white shoes had stuck out just enough that it prevented me from fully closing it.

"Finally!" my sister and I yelled in unison when we saw that the bag zipped shut. The last several days we had been forced to sort through all of our possessions, and pack up whatever we could, leaving our previously filled rooms empty.

I looked around at my lilac colored bedroom and sighed in sadness. There were marks and holes in the paint where I had taped pictures up and hung various posters.

The closet door was also bent from the night me and my friends played hide and seek. I could still hear the roars of laughter echoing in my head when I couldn't open the door, causing us all to fall on it.

It was a weird feeling to be moving away from your childhood home. Remembering the countless memories in this house made it difficult to keep tears from spilling out.

"Weird isn't it Violet? Just leaving it all behind," my sister, Ruby, commented. She was a petite young girl at the age of 11, who's maturity almost surpassed my own. Her long black hair was braided into two even pigtails and her slightly gaped teeth gave a sad crooked smile.

I sat down on the ground having my own big brown eyes meet my sisters. Besides our eye color which we both inherited from our mom, our physical characteristics were pretty much the opposite of each others.

"Very weird to see our entire life in boxes," I sighed, "but you and I both know that it's for the best. Dad wouldn't of made us move otherwise," my sister settled herself into my arms in an embrace.

Our father was a professor at Ilvermorny Wizarding School where he taught Education (specifically muggle education) in America. Whispers had been circulating about 'you know who' resurfacing which made my dad incredibly nervous.

Dad had always been uneasy with people criticizing his family bloodline and his line of work.  He spent years receiving hate on his views of the muggle world, and his philosophy that, 'humans aren't so different than wizards'. Dad was actually muggleborn and he ended up marrying a muggleborn women as well, my mom.

All I knew about my mom was that she died when I was around the age of four and my dad would never speak of it. In fact, mom's memory was hardly ever brought up since it was a topic no one dared to speak of. The only reason I even knew her full name was because of the writing in the family scrapbook that dad now kept hidden away in boxes.

With him being completely on edge, he considered some new job opportunity that was brought to him several months ago.

One night when the three of us were watching a muggle movie, an older witch with a green cloak and funny little hat knocked on the front door.

I watched Dad as he greeted her like an old friend. Someone we had never heard of which wasn't unusual since he didn't share much about his life before us.

She introduced herself as Minerva, and explained that if we all agreed on the move to Britain, Ruby and I would attend Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Dad was also invited to teach a position at the school alongside us.

"I don't even want to go to Hogly-worts" whined Ruby while I chuckled in response.

"It's pronounced Hogwarts Ruby don't act dumb," I scoffed, "Plus I heard they have 4 houses just like at our school. And dad will be teaching something called Muggle Studies which could be fun." I tried remaining optimistic, but it was really difficult to do knowing I was leaving my own school halfway through.

Irresistible - f.weasleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ