3: ☆ grimmauld place ☆

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My body landed harshly on the black pavement. I opened my eyes to see a large row of apartment looking houses all lined up with one another. Each complex had a picket fence, and stairs that led up to the door.

"Alright this is it," my dad said releasing our hands from next to us.

"Not very secretive," Ruby scoffed at the ordinarily looking houses. At the same moment, my dad raised his wand to point at the apartments and a loud noise shook the ground. I regained my balance staring at the places in front of me as they began to move to the side. I could faintly see the people in the windows stare ahead blankly without any panic of what was going on. The buildings moved to the side and left a large enough hole in the middle for a hidden house to sit in.

"Welcome to 12 Grimmauld Place," my dad sighed proudly and tucked his wand away. Ruby and I took each other's hands before walking through the picket fence and up the steps. The door had a large 12 engraved on it in gold, and my dad opened it widely, stepping aside to let us in.

The place was dark, was the first thing I noticed. It made sense since there hardly seemed to be any windows. Several paintings were hanging on the wall that showed portraits of different people. Ruby held my hand tighter when we came by a house elf that seemed to be staring at us. He kept a glare on his face while we walked by him, a permanent frown etched onto his old face.

A cat ran by my leg which cause Snow to jump out of Ruby's arms.

"Snow!" Ruby shouted trying to run after our white cat who was chasing after the yellow one. That must mean Hermione's here if Crookshanks is.

The cats sprinted up the stairs which left us to meet the end of the hallway and see an open door full of people at a table.

"Oh hello dears!" Mrs. Weasley turned around to greet us, "how much you've grown!" she said happily squeezing Ruby's cheeks and grabbing my hand in hers.

"Come in girls," dad told us, and we walked timidly into the room. A long table filled the kitchen and had numerous adults sitting around it. Most of the faces were unfamiliar to me and I felt Ruby cower slightly behind me. The only weird thing was seeing Professor Snape sitting amongst the adults, "These are my two daughters Violet and Ruby. Girls this is the order," he used his hand to point.

Ruby waved cutely while I decided to verbally introduce myself.

"Yes hello my name is Violet nice to meet you all," I received several head nods in return, "So can I join the meeting," I asked bluntly.

"What of course not you're underage," dad exclaimed.

"So? That doesn't mean I can't fight."

"I like her" a man with long curly hair and a lot of facial hair said towards me. He was quite handsome, and I could see the glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

"Oh yes Sirius you always took a liking to the troublemakers," a taller man with a mustache replied back to him.

"Sirius?," I asked, "like Sirius Black?" I recognized the name from the Daily Prophet's articles they had released about the mass murderer.

"Yes well Sirius was framed for about 20 years now over something he didn't do, he's actually an innocent man," my dad explained to me.

"Oh wow well then I'm terribly sorry," I said feeling bad for my reaction to his name.

"Don't even worry darling. Molly over here threw her shoe at me when we first met," he laughed. I giggled as everyone else seemed to lighten up and Molly came back towards us.

"Why don't I show you girls to your room," she offered, and with the nod of approval from my dad we followed her out of the room while she closed the door.

Irresistible - f.weasleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora