4: ☆ eggs and hash ☆

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I woke up, blinking my eyes open and not recognizing my surroundings. The cream colored walls I was used to seeing were not a cool grey tone and I sat up alert. Chuckling at myself, I shook my head and remembered that I was my first full day today of staying with Hermione.

I had slept quite late today feeling exhausted from the night before. Hermione and I had stayed up until the crack of dawn basically, catching each other up on everything.

I had accidentally fallen asleep in her bed so I wasn't surprised to see my bushy haired friend laying beside me when I got up. I stretched my arms out, and felt my elbow crack when I stretched it out all the way. Then and there I looked around the room and decided that I would get an early start on the day. All summer I had been waking up really late and doing whatever I pleased, so I was ready to get back into some kind of routine.

I glanced at the clock on her desk and saw the time read 10:30am. Hopefully if I got up quick enough I would be able to make the family breakfast right before they all came down.

Slipping my feet into my fuzzy slippers, I tiptoed down the stairs, not wanting to make a cracking noise on the floorboard. Snow was laying down on one of the steps sleeping, and I almost slipped when I tripped over him.

"Watch yourself!" I whisper shouted at him as if he could understand me. He seemed to understand the message since he sent a hiss my way and sauntered off to sleep somewhere else.

When I got to the kitchen I was pleased to see that no one was standing there, nor in the living room. Perfect.

I wasn't the best cook but I wasn't clueless when it came to making food either. After looking inside the fridge I decided that eggs on toast and hashbrowns would be the best I could do.

Since I was now of age I had a much easier time completing tasks with magic than doing everything by hand. I charmed the spatula to flip the eggs once that had been completely cooked on one side and the oven mitt was charmed to remove the hash browns once they finished.

I looked through multiple of the cabinets until I found some plates that I could put everything on.

"What's this?" Hermione walked in, scratching the top of her head in the middle of a yawn, "are you cooking?"

"Yeah I just wanted to show my appreciation for you guys letting me stay," I smiled, "and maybe I'm trying to kiss up a little so they'll let us leave for the Weasley's."

"Now that's a plan right there," she laughed and went to pour everyone some orange juice for breakfast. The oven beeped, signifying that the hashbrowns were done and I sat back watching the oven mitt take it out for me. While this was happening Mr. and Mrs. Granger walked into the kitchen and marveled at the site of their kitchen utensils moving on their own.

"Oh my," Mrs. Granger gasped watching one of her spatulas flip the egg in the air, and back in the pan.

"I'm sorry do you guys not like magic?" I asked and moved to take over the process myself.

"No they love it. I'm just not allowed to do any yet because I'm under age," Hermione encouraged.

"Great because I've been dying to do this," I smirked, "Oculus Reparo," I casted holding my wand out at Mr. Granger's face. The crooked glasses that were sitting on his face snapped evenly onto his ears, and the small crack on the left side repaired itself. The Granger's looked back at his glasses and were amazed to see them magically fixed.

"I don't know why I didn't think of asking you to do that earlier," Hermione laughed at her parents reaction. We spent the good majority of the morning eating the breakfast I had made for everyone, and talking about our lives.

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