26: ☆ proper invitation ☆

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"Banned?" Angelina groaned out, placing her head in her hands. She had returned from the hospital soon after the game ended, only suffering from a monitor concussion, "how can you be banned from the rest of the season!" Harry and George stood in front of all of us, disappointed with the results of their punishment.

"How is that fair when Draco is the one who started it. He didn't even get a detention!" Ginny yelled out frustrated.

"Goyle didn't get in trouble either for swinging that beaters bat," Katie hissed out shaking her head.

"Or how about Fred being banned when he didn't even do anything!" I added.

"Well I would've if you three didn't hold me back," Fred shook his head and piped in. The entire team was in the common room just complaining about the circumstances of the team. Not only did we lose three players, but three positions that we would have to fill with their unprepared reserves.

"Well I'm going to bad," Angelina stood up, "hopefully when I wake up tomorrow this will all have been a bad dream," she huffed and walked up to her dorm, Katie and Alicia following.

"I'm so sorry," I started apologizing to Fred again. I knew it wasn't my fault but I still felt terrible with the way he was being punished.

"It's fine," he waved off, "things could be worse. I'm going to head to bed," he said and retreated back to his own room. I watched his back walk away from me and sighed, we might've won the game but we all felt the furthest from that feeling right now.

"This really does suck," I looked down towards the trio who were the last people in the common room.

"Yeah I know. There goes our chances of winning the house cup," Ron glumly added.

"Not everything is about Quidditch you know," Hermione tried to uplift the mood, "there's more things to look forward to, like next weekend."

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed, Hermione reminding me of what even next weekend was, "I still don't have a proper outfit picked out yet. Harry are you still going to take Cho? I haven't heard an update on you two for forever!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Harry asked, both Ron and him sporting confused looks.

"Harry!" Hermione giggled, "next weekend is Valentine's day!"


Time went by quite quickly as the anticipation for the Valentine's day Hogsmead weekend built up. Girls would constantly group with each other during meals, and giggle over possible contenders. Of course, I wanted to go with Fred; we had agreed to try things again but keep it as nonchalant as possible so neither of us would get our feelings hurt. It would be fun though to have a small break from the Hogwarts grounds and go somewhere else with him.

The Professors were also being considerably nicer with the amount of workload since they all knew we were excited for the upcoming weekend, and Umbridge was hamming down on everyone harder than ever. I already had managed to get detention twice this week along with Fred and George since we kept trying to break into her office to get their brooms back.

"Does it hurt badly," Fred sighed over to me and grabbed my hand softly. It was Friday night, and we all were in the common room lounging about.

"No," I pulled my arm away quickly. Umbridge had made me write for double the time since it wasn't my first infraction, and the scars were deep within my hand, "the stinging goes away pretty quickly," I lied.

Truthfully, my hand and head were both burning. Every time I was sitting in that chair opposite of Umbridge my head was screaming at me to run since I think my Seer voice could sense there was danger. Instead of listening, I was going against its advice and it seemed to have negative effects. It felt almost like when you were holding your breath underwater; your brain was telling you the lack of oxygen was hurting your body, but you'd go against it and try to keep swimming below.

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