21: ☆ manor ☆

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"Shit!" I screamed out loud once the three of them had spun out of the forest along with their captures. I was now completely alone in some random ass forest, with no clue how to get to Malfoy Manor.

"Cmon Violet think!" I spoke out frustrated. Without knowing the exact address of the Manor I couldn't trust myself to apparate there without splinching myself in the process.

There was also no way for me to contact anyone, my Patronus being nowhere near strong enough to send some kind of voice message to anyone. I paced back and forth trying to force my brain to think of a solution.

Why me?

Why would Hermione leave me to be the one to figure this out. I wasn't the one with the random burst of bravery like Harry or the cleverness of Hermione.

All I had was this fucking power that only gave me bits and pieces of information.

Even if I could somehow spell something to reach the Order who would know the exact address of the Malfoy Manor to take me there? That's when I stopped in my tracks and stared down at my hand, silently praising the gleaming of the ring perched on it.

"God bless you," I whispered and turned it three times, hearing the familiar click once I had spun it to its max.

Sirius knew we were on a mission, and he wouldn't waste anytime trying to find me once I called for help, especially since he knew I had escaped the Ministry and most likely returned to Harry. It was foolish for me to expect an immediate response so I tried to do what I could to keep my mind off it and pack up the remains of the tent.

Almost all of our clothes was lying out in different piles around the room—or what was the inside of the tent. I rushed and balled up each piece of fabric, just chucking it into the bag as I raced around.

The one thing I was thankful for seeing was the radio we used to listen to Potterwatch, carefully wrapping it in one of Ron's sweater, and putting it in with everything else.

A loud clicking noise sounded from nearby and I shot my head up carefully. I was still wearing the cloak in case any of those snatchers decided to come back, and I held my wand out at the clearing waiting for another movement.

Instead of seeing a human walking towards me, there was a small dog instead, sniffing the ground and running towards the open tent with all of our supplies. Spotting the familiar black fur, I let out a breathe when I realized it was Sirius.

"Thank Merlin! Sirius!" I said happily and ripped the cloak off. When I revealed myself, his dog form turned quickly into himself and he embraced me in a hug.

"Dear thank goodness you're alright," he held me tightly and then pulled back to look at my face, "George told me what happened back at the Ministry. I hope you know Arthur is trying to discretely destroy the Underground—"

"That's great Sirius but we have to save the others," I told him hurriedly.

His face held one of confusion, "save? Who?"

"Harry, Hermione and Ron," I spoke as quickly as I could, "we were here and there were enchantments—they wouldn't have broken but Harry—oh Harry said you know who's name and triggered the taboo."

"So we will go now love," he grabbed my arm, "they will have taken them to the Ministry."

"No Sirius listen!" I argued, "they called them a special lot. They aren't going to the Ministry they're going to Malfoy Manor."

Sirius visibly gulped and looked down at the ground. Everyone knew the Malfoys were one of Voldemort's closest allies and both of us traveling there could be a suicide mission but what other choice did we have?

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