2: ☆ castle on a hill ☆

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Edited 8/25/21

Colors were bursting everywhere as audiences roared in amusement. The circus was going full swing and while everyone was smiling around me, I felt the frown on my lips.

I reached up to touch my mouth but something stopped me. A soft male voice spoke out my name, "Violet don't," and for some reason I trusted it.

Sitting back I eased into the chair until I could feel my body falling. Completely sinking from the place I was watching—

"Cabin Crew, disarm doors and crosscheck". I jumped awake at the sound of the loud voice on the intercom and rubbed my eyes to wake them up. Unexplainable dreams weren't unusual for me. I just always questioned the ones I had multiple times, like this circus one.

I saw everyone on the plane begin to stand up which made me realize that we must've landed.

"Violet, get your sister and I'll grab the carry ons," Dad instructed me as he pushed his glasses back onto his tired face. Ruby was laying with her head in my lap still slightly asleep, and I shook her awake to no avail.

Realizing she wasn't going to move, I picked her up by the armpits and carried her into the isle. Although she was almost 12, she was quite small for her age so it didn't require too much effort to carry her like a small sack of potatoes.

"Thank you for flying with us! We will see you next time," a blonde lady with blinding white teeth greeted us at the exit of the plane and I just gave a short smile and nod.

Although dad was a wizard, he preferred the muggle inventions, and tactics to live our lives. I've always noticed that he had come to resent magic in a way because of the things it's done to our family. In our house it was just always done the 'muggle way'.

When my feet touched solid ground, I felt Ruby stir and slowly climb out of my arms.

"Hey sleepy head," I bumped my hip with hers.

"Too early-don't talk," she mumbled and lazily followed where my dad was going.

"Girls with me!" Dad led the way to baggage claim where our luggage was quick to come out.

"Do we finally get to travel by floo powder," I said with an excited smile. If we were in another country, then there was no danger for us to use public transportation.

But of course it never worked like that.

"No the car should be here soon," he shook his head and pulled out his cellphone to call what I was assuming was the car service.

For the most part, the ride was silent as the three of us took in the new views outside of the car. The weather was significantly different over here, a gloomy sky peering over us.

I learned that the older wizard Minerva had arranged for a ministry car take us to our new home. After much research she learned that the ministry was England's wizarding government and she felt very grateful for the kindness that Dumbledore had showed them.

"Minerva will most likely be one of your Professors at the school. She goes by McGonagall however," dad continued to tell us updates about the school and what we should be expecting.

I tuned out and just wished I had some kind of book to entertain myself. But after counting each individual circle on the seat in front if me, I could feel the car come to a stop.

Even if I wanted to have a bratty attitude, I couldn't at the sight of this house, It was a beautiful two-story home that was perched on a hill in the middle of an empty patch of land. The grass was stunningly green, and had flowers lined up to the porch.

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