8: ☆ scrimmage ☆

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I woke up the next morning with a tight pair of arms wrapped around my waist. At first I didn't recognize my surroundings, but I relaxed when I inhaled Fred's familiar scent. My feet were tangled with his at the end of our sheets, and we were laying in the center of the bed.

I flipped over slowly, trying not to wake him up. His face was carefree of any concerns, the lines that normally sat on his forehead smooth and still now.

Raising my hand, I got my index finger to start at the top of his head. I pushed his hair back slightly, slowly tracing the outline of his face and repeating the action. His noise crinkled up from the touch and I moved to start circling his other features. His cheekbones were smooth, his skin clear as always with a sprinkle of freckles on top. I dragged my finger on the outside of his mouth, and then pulled away.

Blinking a couple times I smiled at his face and leaned forward to kiss him. His lips remained unresponsive, while I lingered mine over his. Even though I knew he was asleep, I could feel him start to wake up with the movement of his feet.

"Hmm," he hummed while I started placing feather kisses on his neck, "So this is what it'd be like waking up next to you."

"Just like this," I smiled back and kissed him for the second time this morning, this time with him responding, "but not until we brush our teeth," I pulled away and shoved his chest.

"Boo you," he grumbled and grabbed my waist when I tried to get back up.

"Stop," I giggled and hit him with the pillow. He finally let go and I stuck my tongue out, sauntering my back to him while I walked to the bathroom. I had fallen asleep in the set I wore but figured I could change out of it once I had showered.

I brushed my teeth with the stuff I brought in my bag and hopped in the shower. It was relaxing to clean my body with Fred's shower gel making me smell even more like him.

I put on a pair of leggings and my old t-shirt that had Gryffindor written on it. A knock came from the bathroom door, and I opened it letting all the heat escape. George stood there leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed.

"I'm almost done in here," I told him, scrunching my wet hair with the towel.

"Oh I know. I just wanted to see for myself," he grinned.

"See what?" I said confused.

"The face you'd make when I asked how you and Fred's unholy night was," he wiggled his eyebrows.

"What," I stammered, "we didn't—I mean nothing happened—"

"Really," he said clearly entertained, "you're telling me nothing happened between you guys?"

"No George we're not all animals like you. We slept," I tried to say casually, but I knew he could tell I was lying.

"Hm so you have another explanation for what's on your neck then?" I gasped loudly and ran to the mirror. Wiping it with my towel to get the hot air off, I was stunned with what I saw. Littered down my neck was an assortment of marks that led down to my chest. I felt my face grow hot in the most utter amount of embarrassment.

"You were saying?" George chuckled.

"Get out," I rolled my towel and hit him multiple times in the leg. He ran away laughing and I stormed myself back to the bedroom. Fred was in the middle of buttoning up his shirt when I ripped the door open.

"Yes?" he said amused with my temper.

"What the hell...is...this," I walked over and hit his chest with each word.

"Ow! What?" I pulled my shirt down lower and craned my neck to show him my exposed skin. He covered his mouth with his palm and tried to contain his laughter.

Irresistible - f.weasleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin