7: ☆ same bed ☆

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A/N: As you can PROBABLY tell from the title of the chapter yes this one will be suggestive and mature. You know the drill, please skip if you don't like :P

Dinner went by quickly since everyone had endless stories about their summer to entertain the table. I sat beside Ruby with my arm around her chair, and my hand in my lap far away from my sensitive areas with Fred's larger one on top. I felt more peaceful than I had all summer, finally reunited with the people I cared for most.

I learned that Harry was instructed to stay with the Dursley's until the night before the train left. I felt bad having fun, knowing he would do anything to be here, but I knew it was for his safety.

I was currently so full from the dinner Mrs. Weasley made, so I leaned back against my chair. Sirius was telling a story about how he flew Buckbeak back to Hagrid after using him to fly overseas, and the bird grabbed hold of his shirt and dangled him in anger.

"I'm telling you! The bloody bird refused to put me down! Hagrid couldn't even convince him to let me go," Sirius bellowed out making the table burst into laughter again.

"So how did you get down then?" Ruby asked, entranced by the story. I could tell she felt a lot more comfortable with the Weasleys now.

"Hagrid had to find a couple dead ferrets to lure him to the ground," Sirius wiped his mouth with his napkin, "Almost ripped my shoulder off i'm telling you."

A couple minutes went by and I groaned from how full my stomach was still feeling.

"This dinner was amazing," I said loudly over to Mrs. Weasley who was at the other said of the table.

"Oh it was nothing," she gushed, but I could see she appreciated the round of thank you's repeated her way. I squeezed Fred's hand hard and gained the confidence to bring up the question I had been dying to ask my dad.

"Hey dad can I ask you something?" I said quietly since he was sitting right across from me. Fred gave me a slight smile encouraging me to keep going.

"Yeah what's up?" he said and started sipping on his water.

"Well I was thinking—uhm we were thinking—well what if I spent the night at Fred's place?" Whatever conversation was happening amongst the table ceased to exist and I felt a spray of the water that was in my dads mouth fall on top of me. I gasped in shock and Ruby covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

Fred and I's faces were now covered with my dads spit water.

"Spend the night? AT A BOYS HOUSE?" He raised his voice and looked surprised I would even dare to ask.

"Well I didn't want to inconvenience the Weasleys any further since I know a lot of us are staying tonight and it'll be fun—"

"Yeah I bet it'll be real fun," Sirius mumbled into his wine glass and I sent a dagger his way.

"If you think i'm going to let my daughter just go off and sleep with a boy—"

"We have multiple bedrooms," Fred piped up, "and I don't mind sleeping in George's." I looked pleadingly back at my dad and the whole room seemed to anticipate his answer.

"I just can't give you my approval Violet," he spoke out.

"Approval?" I said shocked, "I don't know if you've forgotten but im of age now. I'm asking as a courtesy since you're my dad but I don't need permission," I said getting angrier. Ruby kicked my leg under the table trying to calm me down since starting a fight wasn't the way to get what I wanted.

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