8: ☆ narrow escape ☆

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At the same time we disapparated I could feel the polyjuice potion slipping away from my body. The long blonde hair that had engulfed me, now shortened back to its normal length, whisping around me as we traveled through the air.

I landed harshly with an arm still around my waist, and I met the green eyes of the person who was holding me. The first thing I wanted to do was scream at Harry for pulling me from the wedding, but the four of us had to fling our body forward to avoid getting hit by a large bus since we landed in the middle of the street.

"Here you go, sightseeing tour? Leaves in 15 minutes," a random man informed me, shoving a flyer into my arms. I pushed past him along with the other three as we tried to keep our eyes down and draw the least amount of attention to ourselves.

"Where are we?" Ron asked from beside Hermione, none of us knowing where we were going.

"Tottenham Court Road," Hermione said hushed and kept walking ahead, "ask questions later we just need to find somewhere for us to change."

"Change?" Ron asked shocked. While I was walking I saw a couple of dudes laughing and pointing at what I was wearing. Rightfully so I shouldn't be wearing a big poofy dress fit for a wedding out on the street.

"I should've worn my invisibility cloak,"groaned out Harry before Ron could ask another question.

"Hermione has it," I elbowed him slightly, seeing the familiar small bag Hermione had started loading stuff with the day we got to the Burrow, "now let's find an alley and get off the street."

We turned a corner when we saw most people cross the street and found a completely secluded ally, most likely empty from the stench of the dumpster. Hermione easily reached into her bag, her arm disappearing inside of it, and she pulled out some clothes for the boys.

"How the ruddy—"

"Undetectable Extension Charm," she answered quickly, "Violet and I have been brainstorming for days and i've had all the essentials packed just in case."

"What about my bag with the stuff from Dumbledore's will?" I asked her.

"Yes I have that too," she nodded.

"You're amazing, you are," Ron gasped out, putting on the new tshirt she had given him.

"Always the tone of surprise," she smirked and I looked away to let them have their moment.

"I'm sorry for pulling you away," Harry told me from underneath the cloak while he changed his pants, "I just remembered you said it was imperative we stay together."

"I know," I huffed, "I just—I feel terrible leaving everyone else to fend for themselves."

"Do you think we should go back? For all the people at the wedding?"

"They were after you mate," Ron said, joining the conversation, "we'd just be putting everyone in danger by going back."

"Ron's right," Hermione sighed, having a jacket and pair of jeans replacing her red dress, "I think we have to keep moving though. Come on let's find somewhere."

We moved out of the alley and back onto the streets of the Muggle world looking for somewhere to talk in. Truthfully I was hardly making an effort to look since my focus was directed on everyone back at the wedding.

Would Ruby and dad have gone into hiding? Did the death eaters kidnap anyone and take them hostage? Did the guests believe the lie that Fred Weasley was no longer dating Violet Pine—

"This should do," Ron suggested the small cafe, seeing that the inside was completely empty except for the worker. The four of us walked in and went towards a table in the back, huddling tightly to discuss our next move.

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