23: ☆ prefect bathroom ☆

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Warning: this chapter will include scenes rated as mature. Please skip if content like this makes you uncomfortable

"You haven't figured out the egg yet!" I whisper yelled at Harry as he shushed me, "You told Hermione and I that you figured out what the clue was after the ball!"

It was the first day back since Christmas break had ended and classes resumed. Since Anastasia had caught a bad cold, I was walking alongside Harry to defense against the dark arts when he admitted to me that he didn't know what the egg meant.

"Cedric told me how to figure it out! I just haven't done it yet," he mumbled.

"And what did he tell you to do?" Apparently Cedric suggested that he 'take his egg and mull things over in the hot water'. He even gave him the Prefects bathroom location and password.

"Well," I stuck my nose up, "after class you head up straight to the fifth floor. And if you don't go tonight to that prefect bathroom, I will make sure to tell Hermione that you lied myself." Harry gulped and nodded his head. I sat in my seat in anger knowing that the stress of the second task was going to start weighing on my shoulders. Since this event only happened in Europe, I was completely unaware of the past it had. Fred had told me the other day why the Triwizard tournament had been discontinued, and it was because the death tole rose too high. In fact, the last time the tournament happened all three champions were injured in 1792.

Class went by quickly as Harry and I barely paid attention and scribbled notes every now and then. When we were dismissed I gave him a pointed look as he sighed and walked the other direction.

"Dad," I called out seeing him by the front doors of the castle after class.

"Hey kiddo," he smiled down, "I was just about to take a walk before dinner would you like to join?" I nodded my head and buttoned my robes up to avoid being too cold.

"How were your classes today?" I politely asked.

"Good good. Your friend Miss Granger excels in that class,"

"Of course," I scoffed, "she's muggleborn so she practically lived in that world like we did."

"I uh also noticed you seem to hang out with that Potter boy a lot," my dad said slowly while I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah and?" I waited.

"Well he is the boy who lived, and he's somehow in the tournament. I don't know, it just seems like trouble follows him wherever he goes," he answered.

I stopped walking by him, "he didn't ask for this life dad. And it's people like you that make him feel ashamed of what's happened to him," I said rudely.

"I'm sure he's a great boy Violet I just don't want you to be in danger," he said biting down on his thumb nervously.

"Danger?" I laughed, "dad we're at Hogwarts what could possibly happen?" My dad tried to make the smile return to his face while we continued walking.

"Yes of course you're right. I just worry too much about you guys."

"I'm a big girl I promise," I assured him wrapping my hand around his back.

"So now that we've discussed Mr. Potter what is it I hear about you and a specific Weasley?" he raised his eyebrow. I pushed him hard and he laughed at my response.

"I am not talking boys with you," I giggled as we made our way to the dinner hall.

"If you say so. But prepare to receive a letter from Mrs. Weasley soon seeing as she's the one who told me," he grinned and walked towards the teachers table. What?

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