11: ☆ unforgivable curse ☆

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Throughout the next couple of days the taunting of Harry began to spiral out of control. Ron and him still hadn't made up which made it difficult for Hermione and I to hang out as we were always with the other one. Not only were people whispering and pointing at him in the hallways, but they were wearing charmed badges that seemed to yell at him "POTTER STINKS" every time he walked by.

"Just ignore them," I whispered as we walked through the castle to get to our next class. I hooked my arm through his tugging his body to follow after me. All we needed to do was get through defense against the dark arts class and we would be done with school for the day.

"Ah come to see the show Potter," mocked the same slytherin boy from yesterday as he dangled out of a tree in the courtyard.

Neville who happened to be walking through at the same time came to my side, "What's happening?" he asked while I just shrugged.

"My father and I have a bet you see," Draco taunted, "I bet that you won't last 10 minutes in the first task." A small crowd had formed by the boys as they heard the commotion, "but you see, he said he doesn't think you'll even last five."

Harry left my side and walked up into Draco's face, "Tell me Malfoy. That uptight nasty look your mother always sports on her face? Has she always looked like that or was it ever since you were born." At that insult a couple of kids 'oh'ed' loudly which didn't help diffuse the tension of the situation.

"How dare you talk about my mother like that," Draco said furiously. I once again just tugged on Harry's arm.

"Cmon Harry forget its, he's not worth it!" I urged but let go when I saw the face Harry was making at me.

"Don't touch me," he yelled, "how are you going to tell me to 'forget it' and that it's okay for him to mock me."

"I never said it was okay but how is you fighting making the situation any better," I yelled at him trying to reason some sense into his head.

"I never asked you to act like my mother so find someone else to baby," he demanded as I stepped back at his harsh words.

I could tell in his eyes he didn't mean it but it still hurt my feelings when I had tried so hard to stay by his side. Especially knowing that people were lumping me together with his whispers and rumors.

"Let's go to class Violet," Neville said softly as I turned around to walk with him. We walked silently and I made the decision to sit next to Neville this lesson. Normally I would sit with Anastasia during this class seeing as it was the only one we had together. But I was still really unhappy with her pessimistic views towards Harry and the tournament that we currently weren't talking. Hermione gave me a look when she first walked in but quickly found an open seat in front of me anyways.

"Thanks for getting me out of there earlier," I thanked Neville properly, "I probably would have ended up crying in front of everyone if you hadn't pulled me along," I said in a lighthearted tone trying to get rid of my hurt feelings.

I watched his cheeks turn pink as he scrambled for words, "yeah of course Violet anything for you. It was really no problem." I smiled nonetheless and turned to face forward when I saw that Moody finally came into class with a smiling Harry trailing behind him. I kept my gaze staring at the front, not wanting to awkwardly make eye contact with Harry as I felt like I had the right to hold a grudge. I could see him glance over at me as he walked down the aisle but he sat down and stared at the front like everyone else.

"You can put those away," Moody grumbled stumbling over to his desk, "those books you won't need them today."

I carefully closed my book and put it to the side of my desk.

"Now I've had a letter from Professor Lupin about this class. Seems like you've had a pretty thorough grounding in tackling dark creatures. But you're very behind, very behind, in dealing with curses," said Moody, "so I'm here to bring you up to scratch on what wizards can do to each other."

I made a face at Hermione knowing we both weren't fond of harmful spells, and I began to get nervous that he would perform them in front of us.

"So, straight into curses. They come in many strengths and forms. It's important to study these because how are you supposed to defend yourself against some thing you've never seen? A wizard who's about to put an illegal curse on you isn't going to tell you what he's about to do. He's not going to be nice and play to your face. You need to be prepared." he lectured as he opened his desk drawer and took out a glass jar. A black spider was scuttling around inside it. He then pointed his wand at it, and muttered, "Imperio."

The spider jumped from Moody's hand to the desk where it began to do cartwheels in circles. Everyone was laughing except Moody.

"Think it's funny, do you?" He growled, "you'd like it would you if I did it to you?" My laughter died in my throat as it seemed to in everyone else's.

"Total control," said Moody quietly, as the spider balled itself up, "I could make it jump out of the window, drown itself, throw itself down one of your throats. Years back, there were a lot of witches and wizards being controlled by the imperious curse. Some job for the ministry, trying to sort out who was being forced to act, and who was acting of their own free will," he shrugged and asked the class for the next curse. I felt the air next to me move as Neville surprisingly raised his hand.

"There's one, the Cruiciatus curse," he said in a small voice. As Moody made the spider bigger he muttered the spell. At once the spiders legs bent in upon its body. It rolled over and began to twitch horribly. No sound came from it but I know if it did it would be screaming bloody murder.

Neville all of a sudden had his hands clenched up on the desk in front of him his knuckles white, while his eyes were wide.

"Neville," I whispered as I put my hand on his back trying to comfort him by rubbing it up and down, "Neville it's okay everything's fine," but he continued to squeeze his eyes shut.

"Stop it! Can't you see he doesn't like it!" Hermione yelled at Moody after seeing the way Neville reacted.

He stopped and once the spider stopped twitching I glanced around the classroom making eye contact with a few people. We made the silent decision to not give him the third and final curse. He stood there waiting for someone to volunteer while we all kept our mouth's closed.

"Anyone know the last one?" he asked but there was only silence in the air, "Avada Kedavra!" he roared and I felt a tear escape my eye. A green flash hit the spider full on causing it to slowly go still and fall limp to the desk.


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