16: ☆ christmas announcements ☆

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I spent the next week mainly in the library preparing for exams that were to happen right before winter break. I was with Neville a majority of the time, seeing as teaching him things he didn't understand helped me memorize it more.

Ever since that morning in the owlery i've stayed clear from both Fred and George. I felt extremely embarrassed over what happened but I chose to just avoid it and plunge myself into a heavy workload.

"What potion is created by mixing powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Neville asked me flipping through the flashcards.

"A sleeping potion, also known as the Draught of Death," I answered happily knowing that I got the answer correct.

Neville sighed while placing my flashcards on the table, "I don't know why you asked me to quiz you when you already know everything,"

"Constant vigilance!" I shook my finger at him making fun of Moody's catch phrase, "besides quizzing me should also help you since you're learning the answers with me."

The librarian came to the table and softly announced that it was dinner time in the great hall. I closed my books and placed all my flashcards back in the pocket of my robe.

"Can I keep this?" Neville asked as he repeatedly clicked the top of my pen. Unless I was turning in an assignment I refused to use my quill. I chuckled always amused at the wizard response of muggle inventions.

"Yeah of course I got a six pack of those for only like five dollars" I answered while he gave me a confused look.

"Dollars?" I laughed and explained to him the currency in America.

"Well I'll see you," he said as he took the seat next to Seamus at the dinner table. I saw Ginny at our usual spot and skipped over.

"Hello my favorite redhead," I screamed in her ear as she jumped.

"Hey," Ron exclaimed sitting a couple seats down, "I can hear that you know."

"Good you were meant to," I replied sticking my tongue out and taking a seat. I made myself a nice plate of potatoes and chicken while gushing over the desserts for today.

"I missed brownies so much! I used to get them from a muggle place called Starbucks in America and they were just the best" I sighed recalling how often I'd get the richey goodness.

"Okay so are you gonna tell me why my brother Fred hasn't stopped staring at you since you got to the table?" Ginny raised her eyebrow. I made the mistake of turning my head and making eye contact with him. He quickly looked away and jumped into a conversation with Lee.

"Maybe he was looking at you," I said and she gave me terrified eyes while we both burst out laughing.

"Yeah because my brother stares at me every dinner meal," she teased while I kept giggling, "but seriously he's looking at you like he wants to-I don't know eat you or something." At her words I felt my stomach churn lightly as I tried to push away the feeling of his lips on my neck.

"I'm sure it's nothing," I assured as I turned my gaze back to my food.

"Did you hear the news?" Hermione asked as she sat down directly across from us. I looked at her with a blank expression as I clearly had no idea what she was talking about and she continued, "classes tomorrow for fourth years and up are canceled for the day," she stated.

"What! No fair I'm only a year younger," Ginny pouted as she hit her drink on the table.

"What for?" I questioned, afraid that I forgot a major date of an exam or something.

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