22: ☆ greek ☆

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Without knowing how much time had gone by, I sat up from where I was with a loud gasp. I blinked a couple of times to try to get my vision to be less blurry in order to focus on the room in front of me.

"Hey you're fine. You're okay," Hermione said from beside me and rubbed my arm. We were both laying on the same bed, and when I glanced over at her I saw her arm bandaged in a thick white coat of fabric.

"Where are we,?" I sat up immediately and felt my back go up against the backboard.

"Violet you're okay," Ron said next to me and grasped one of my hands in his. I took a couple breaths and forced myself to calm down, squeezing my eyes shut to do it.

As soon as the sight of the bedroom disappeared behind my closed eyelids all I could see was the red piercing stare of Voldemort, and I shot mine back open again.

"Where are we? Is everyone okay?" I asked them frantically trying to get my hand to stop shaking. To know we were that close to death and being captured was terrifying.

"We're back at Bill and Fleurs. As for everyone else—"

"Harry?" I interrupted and saw that the raven haired boy was missing from the room, "please don't tell me he's not here."

"He is!" Hermione rubbed my arm again reassuringly, "he's just downstairs explaining a couple things to Bill. Although Dobby..." her voice faded out and I looked to her to keep going.

"He didn't make it," Ron continued and gave a sad look. Glancing down, I took another deep breath in and tried to keep any shaky tears from escaping. It was my fault for involving Sirius and therefore Dobby in the situation. If I could have figured out how to solve it on my own then maybe everyone would have returned fine.

"Violet you're still shaking," Hermione looked down on me, "what's going on? You know you can't blame yourself for this."

"It's not that," I said quietly and looked at the blank wall in front of me. I focused on the white paint and tried to get my mind to release all that was in it, and instead suck it in the white color, trying to blanken my head.

"Violet," Hermione urged and sat up in front of me as opposed to beside me, "if it's something that has you shaking don't you think you need to share it with the rest of us?"

"Did you guys really not see him?" I whispered and looked back and forth between the two, "you didn't see him appear in the room?"

Ron held a puzzled look on his face, "who Violet?"

"You know who," I said with a stronger voice. Both of them went wide eyed but stayed silent at what I said, "he was right there in the room. Lucius called him before the chandelier fell on the ground. Right when we spun away I saw him there. He was...he was screaming and I somehow got into his mind—"

"What did you see?" Hermione said while I spoke.

"The page," I chuckled humorlessly, "the page of that damn book Dumbledore gave me. You know who had a copy and it revealed the language the rest of the letters were in."

"Violet thats amazing news—" Hermione started but stayed quiet when Ron glared over at her, "I mean not amazing but...isn't this what you wanted? To find the language to translate the notepad? This could lead us to another Horcrux."

"I suppose," I shrugged, "but being in there...in his head. I could hear everything Hermione. Every scream from his victims, all the grief he's brought upon everyone. It's like I had to suck in all that emotion to break through the barrier."

They both stayed quiet as they listened to me rant and explain what happened, "I know this is good news I found out what language it's in. But I just can't help but think if I got into his mind what if he got into mine..."

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