15: ☆ talk by the lake ☆

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We all cheered as soon as we landed on the field, proud of Harry for catching the snitch. This started our season off as super strong, already having won against Slytherin. Everyone was in the happiest mood when we returned back to the locker room to change our clothes. I peeled the sweaty jersey off me and put on a random sweater I had in my bag.

I was beyond excited to go greet Fred since I had seen him in the stands while I was playing. After tucking my broom away in the cupboard I left the locker room with an extra skip in my step.

Surprisingly I saw Aiden leaning against the entrance and he stood up straight when he saw me.

"Hey Violet," he greeted.

"Uh hi," I said but kept walking past him. He might have saved me from one bludger today but that didn't fix my opinion I had that he was a jerk.

"Wait I actually wanted to talk to you," he said trying to catch up with me.

"And why's that?" I said not even looking at him. He grabbed my wrist which made me stop and turn around, "why are you grabbing me?"

"I'm sorry just—please listen," he stammered, "I'm not trying to be a git or anything. I just wanted to apologize for how I acted towards you last year. I think you're really cool and I wanted to start fresh with you." I squinted my eyes to observe his face and try to read if he had an ulterior motive.

"So what you want to be my...friend?" I asked slowly.

"Yes," he rubbed the back of his neck, "if that's okay with you."

My arms were crossed and I was wondering why after all these years of being in Gryffindor together he would suddenly want to be friends, "why?"

"Well we're in the same house...same team...I just thought," he shrugged not really finishing. I waited a few seconds and then gave him a small smile.

"Okay I mean why not. See you around...amigo," and then left him behind so I could find Fred. That was probably one of the weirder interactions I had at this school but I put it behind me since it wasn't something I cared to focus on right now.

I skipped over to where I could see Harry and Ron in the center of the pitch talking to a group of people. There were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, the twins, and...Tara.

"Fred! Hello to you too George," I said happily and gave Fred a big hug with a nod at George, "I had no idea if you'd be able to make it."

"Yeah well we had to see if Ronald over here deserved a spot on the team. He managed to prove himself today," he said with a complimentary nod towards his brother, "and you missy scored what like four goals?"

"Five actually," I smirked back at him, "only cause I saw my good luck charm though," I leaned forward and kissed him softly.

"Great game Violet!" Tara complimented in the middle of my kiss with Fred. I had no idea if this girl was purely stupid or just a bitch but nonetheless, I pulled away.

"Thanks Tara aren't you...sweet," I said back, and I felt Fred pinch my side, silently asking me to behave.

"I am just so proud of my baby," Mrs. Weasley squeezed Ron's cheeks which made Harry laugh at him. For once in his life though he didn't look embarrassed and seemed to appreciate the praise from his mother, "not only were you selected as Prefect last year, but now the Gryffindor keeper! Who knows maybe next year captain!" Harry and I shot a look between each other and tried to stifle our laugh at how crazy his mother was.

"Ron saved a couple goals and he gets a gold star, but I jump off my broom midair to score and I don't even get a congratulations," Ginny rolled her eyes.

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