24: ☆ new york ☆

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A/N It's been a MINUTE huh? Mature scenes described in the second half of the chapter. Only read if this content is suitable for you as a viewer!

The magic disappeared from within me as soon as we appeared completely to New York. Cross continent apparation was almost impossible to accomplish and if I hadn't drank the magical enhancer potion from Hermione I don't think I would've been able to do it.

I felt my feet hit the ground and fell flat down from the pain rising up my ankle. My eyes had little time to adjust on the blackness of the alleyway, few street lights making the path visible.

"Ouch that fucking hurt," I cursed out and tried to massage where the burn from my leg was coming from, "are you okay?"

Fred was attempting to stand up but had a clear expression of discomfort on his face, "yeah i'm all good—"

"No tell me what happened!" I sat up more, "I mean if i'm going to apparate us back I need to know what I need to work on."

I held a hand to my forehead trying to blink away the dizziness and exhaustion from bringing us here.

"Honestly," Fred grimaced and looked down to his feet, "I think I might've left a toe behind."

My hands went to cover my mouth in a gasp, "you're lying!"

I watched him untie his shoe, and peel back the sock just to show a gaping hole of blood coming from his once attached toe.

"See it's not big deal—"

"Sit!" I demanded and made myself prop up on my knees so I could tend to his injuries. Hermione had left me a couple essentials, one of them being a small portion of their Essence of Dittany, "this might sting a little."

"Fucking hell," Fred hissed immediately and squeezed one of his eyes shut.

"I told you! Now stop moving so much," I lectured him and put two more droplets in the spot he needed the skin to close and stop bleeding, "I mean better a toe than an arm right."

"Says you," Fred scoffed and turned to the side when I wrapped up his foot and placed his sock back over it, "I guess it's comical in a way though."

"How so?" I looked back up at him and forced my body to stand up.

"Now the twins are each missing something. George lost an ear and me a toe," Fred grinned back at me. Only he would be able to make a joke out of a situation like this.

I laughed a bit but then heard a random noise from up above us clatter as if someone was opening a window to a building.

"Cmon we should go," I grabbed Fred's hand and pulled us out of the alleyway. Even thought it was pitch black at night, probably around 1:00 in the morning, the both of us had our hoods over our face and shaded glasses atop our nose.

In the clothing we had covering all parts of our body we were pretty much unrecognizable, and it would have to do until we got to the hotel.

"Do you even know where you're going," Fred whispered over to me as we once again crossed another street.

"No idea," I answered back and stayed silent as a group of three men walked besides us, speaking in a loud drunken tone. Once they had passed I tried to scope out the area and find a decently sized hotel. One where our stay wouldn't be noticeable.

"What are you looking for?" Fred asked me trying to watch my wandering gaze.

"A hotel," I said frustrated and felt distracted from all the lights of the city flashing down at me.

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