15: ☆ trick or treat ☆

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Harry and I were somehow lucky enough that when we got down to Professor Umbridge's office, we saw Filch instead who informed us that she wasn't there.

"Why isn't she here?" I questioned.

"Emergency meeting at the ministry which is none of your business," he hissed at us, "start dusting the classroom without your wands." He lurked out of the room and I could hear him whistling, as he went to go patrol the corridors.

"This blows," I muttered, walking towards Umbridge's desk that had a bunch of pink trinkets scattered across the top, "I mean I'm glad she's not here but I don't want to be touching her things either."

"It could be worse," he reminded me, holding up the back of his left hand.

"You're right," I laughed nervously, "I didn't mean to be insensitive."

"It's fine," he shrugged, "not much bothers me." I put down the duster at his comment, and set down her picture frame I was cleaning.

"You know, normally I would agree with you. But this year everything seems to bother you a lot more than before," I said carefully so he didn't take it as an insult.

"I'm just--," he sat down in a chair, "I'm so angry all the time. I thought that it was because I was with the Dursley's and away from the wizarding world, but being back hasn't made me feel any better."

"Hey," I walked over to him, while he held his head in his hands, "you went through a great deal last year. None of us hold that against you. And if you're that angry then maybe start directing it towards people who actually deserve it, like...Voldemort," I spoke out confidently. It was silly to be afraid of using his name, but it still gave me goosebumps nonetheless.

"I'm not angry at you guys!" he defended.

"Maybe not but that's the way you come across," I told him bluntly.

"I know you're right," he sighed, "I don't want to feel sorry for myself, but it feels like if I don't then no one else will." I hit his arm hard with my duster at his statement, "Ow!"

"That's a serious thing to say Harry!" I scolded, "you know you aren't alone! I get you might be going through things right now but him being back doesn't just affect you. I know you're obviously a larger target but think of it in a bigger spectrum. The entire wizarding world is just as afraid as you are." He inhaled my words and I could see them really seeping into his thoughts. He was about to respond when Filch came into the room and yelled at us.

"I don't see much dusting getting done!"


After my detention with Harry he made a noticeable change with the way he treated people. He was holding his tongue more when Umbridge and any of the Slytherin's would taunt him, hid in his dorm a lot less, and continued to sit next to us during meals. I started to recognize the real Harry I had first met, come out from behind the superficial layer he had created. I guess it's easy for people to dislike you when you were pretending to be somebody else. I admired his bravery for exposing himself to the wizarding world with the truth of Voldemort's return, and continuing to stay true to who he was.

The next couple of weeks went by quickly since I had finally settled back into the school. I kept myself focused on moving forward from Fred, and I could see him doing the same since he avoided being near me. The only times we were remotely close to each other was when we were running through plays during practice, but besides that he kept clear. I tried to let my feelings not get hurt from it, it was easier to move on anyways when I didn't see him.

A lot of my time was spent in the library with my classmates, shocked at the huge increase of work we were being assigned to as opposed to last year.

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