28: ☆ fiendfyre ☆

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Fred and I were walking hand in hand peering around the corner and watching the last of the students make their way down.

They were all filed up in single file, marching as if they were soldiers and their attendance was being requested.

"Bloody hell," George whispered from behind us. The three of us were to let the others know when the coast was clear so we could all stand guard outside the great hall and storm in when necessary.

"It's like they're rounding them up to fight," I said hushed.

"Well they've got a surprise coming when they see what side they're all on," Fred scoffed. Once the remaining students had all gone down the stairs, I watched the Carrow twins be the last ones to go inside, and closed the large doors of the great hall behind them.

"Okay George go get them," I elbowed him and watched him run off back to the room of requirement.

"This feels kind of surreal huh," Fred laughed nervously and cracked his back, "I feel like i'm going to wake up tomorrow in the Burrow and be told this was all just a joke."

"I wish it was," I chuckled, "but at the same time I don't. We've been living in fear of you know who for so long. It'll really be incredible if we manage to overthrow him and start living our lives in peace."

"That'd be a world right," he looked down.

I reached out and hugged him quickly, "it will be Fred I have all the faith in the world."

Our conversation diminished since the rest of the Order members filed in behind us. They wasted no time, Sirius taking the lead, in racing down the stairs and keeping their wands up in case anyone else was waiting to catch us.

"Wait sh. I think they're speaking," Lupin spoke and we all crowded around the door, pressing our ears to listen in.

"Any person found have to knowledge of these events who fails to come forward will be treated as...equally guilty," I could hear Snape's chilling voice speak out as the rest of the hall remained silent.

"If anyone in here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening. I invite them to step forward—Now!" Hermione and I looked at each other, silently asking if this was the time to step in, but we glued our ears back to the door when a chorus of gasps sounded out.

"It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies," Harry's voice boomed out, "you still have a security problem, Headmaster."

No one said anything and instead Sirius peeled the doors back, being the first to walk in.

All of us followed suit, lining up behind one another and forming a sort of block to stand against Snape and the Carrows

"I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood?" Harry shouted, "tell them how it happened that night? Tell them how you looked him in the eye— aman who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them!"

He pulled out his wand and all of us did the same, preparing to shoot a hex at him if he did anything to harm Harry

McGonagall all beat us to the punch though. With the wave of her robe she pushed Harry aside and stood her ground, eyeing up Snape before she cast the first spell.

Hermione grasped my arm when McGonagall fired, a shot of red coming out and aiming straight towards him. He deflected it easily and at that is when their duel started.

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